(6)Lets Save The Old Guy

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Izuku POV

"Here you might need it in the future." He handed me two handguns. Hibiki's phone started to go off, he took it out of his pocket and paled. "What is it?" 
"Attack at UA." 
"Let's go I know a rooftop we can go near UA."
"Wait you have it on you." I opened the case a little bit so he could see it. 
I unpacked my sniper and Hibiki got his tablet out of his bag. "I will hack into the security cameras, you have to hold them for 5 minutes until the heroes arrive." Looking through my sniper  I saw the villain attacking students but I notice the old guy I saw. "I got it! Here are the targets. These two." Hibiki pointed towards a monster looking guy fighting the old guy and a guy with a hand on his face.  I locked on to the 'monster's' kneecap and shot it, it just stumbled a little bit but didn't go down. "4 more minutes." Come with all knowledge on quirks I got to have something. "I got it!"
"Well hurry up!" Hibiki yelled 

I locked on to the guy with the hand on his face since it looked like he was giving all the orders. I took a shot his shoulder and he couldn't dodge. The shadow guy looked pretty shocked too. He yelled something, and a shadow like portal opened, all villain disappeared into it. Thankfully the old guy isn't dead.

I packed up my sniper along with my 2 handguns."Let's go before someone notices us!"

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