(3)A Friend

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Izuku POV

It took me a while but I think I got the hang of it. Just a bit more practice and I'll be ok. My phone started ringing out of nowhere so I pulled it out of my pocket and I have never seen this number before so I picked it up.


"Hey just to let you just to let you know this lab-"

"Um I don't know if you know this but this isn't a lab."


"So what's your name."

"Why should I tell you"

"Izuku Midoirya."

"Fine, Hibiki Ito."

"So Hibiki how did you find my phone number."

"I'm not going to answer that."

"Come on please."

"Find but answer this why did you buy a sniper."

"W-what how did you know that."

"I did a bit of hacking."

"So your a hacker, so that means you were trying to hack a lab instead hacked my phone."


Hibiki POV

This is the first I have talked to someone like this while we were talking I was looking through his history. 


"The one who hacking calls me a nerd"

Then I heard a gunshot, my heart stopped.

"Izuku are you ok!"

"Yea" I let go of a breath I didn't notice I was holding.

"What was that."

"Me hitting the target."


"I'm sorry just stop yelling."

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