Chapter 28 | Surprises Over Surprises✅

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Word count: 1325

*Song of the day...heard it jus now and I'm literally in luv!*



I stirred awake at the nonstop ringing of the doorbell, disturbing me from my nap.

When did I even fall asleep?

My hands blindly searched for my phone and that's when I realized it wasn't morning anymore.

Rubbing my aching back, I walked over to the door.

And I was pissed because someone woke me from my beauty sleep and I was also pissed because there was no one at the damn door.

I saw the sun drowning and darkness filling the sky, with lights lit up all around.

Damn, I slept the whole day, didn't I?

I can't believe I didn't do anything even on my honeymoon. And speaking of honeymoon, where the hell was Nathan all day?

Does he even remember he has a goddamn wife sleeping her ass off on a freaking trip?

I so wanna punch him. Ugh.

I mentally cursed at him and almost slammed the door shut, when I noticed a small pale blue envelope along with a white rose, lying on the doorstep.

Huh. How did I miss that?

Curiosity consumed me as I bend down to pick up the gorgeous little rose and the envelope.

Holy! It was scented. Omg.

I carefully tore it open, sad that I had to tear the beautiful paper at all.

I pulled out the small note and was astonished to see the familiar cursive handwriting.

My head snapped up, my eyes searching for the person who send this letter only to meet with utter silence except for the sound of the cool breeze and waves crashing from afar.

My mouth formed an involuntary pout, already missing the idiot as I proceeded to study the letter.

Now that you've decided to read this, I hope you're finally awake, wife. Don't make your handsome, strong and extremely hard-working husband wait anymore and hurry the fuck up. If you haven't already noticed, go look beside the bed and you'll know what to do;)

Yours forever

After finishing the letter I realized I stood at the door, grinning like a fool but it didn't seem to go away as my pulse raised in excitement.

He left me to sleep all day so he better make my time worthwhile.

With that thought, I shut the door and ran towards the bedroom, taking time to place the rose into a glass of water. Not everybody knew that white rose was my favorite. And that warmed my heart too.

Looking around the room, I found a few shopping bags sitting beside the bed. Did he come back? Well, indeed, I wouldn't wake up even if there was an earthquake, but how did he manage to sneak in?

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