Part I - Return

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"Dragonstone, ancestral seat of House Targaryen.."

She remembered Viserys' lessons, the seat of her ancestors as they fled Valyria. The seat of Rhaegar, and now hers. As their boat made its way to the shore, she was escorted to dry land by an unsullied. She knelt and placed her hand on the beach, letting the sand wet from the waves, rough yet oddly calming rest in between her fingers.

Viserys, I am home.

She stood straight and walked onwards, while her children soared through the skies. She could feel their excitement, Dragonstone had always been a favorite of the dragons with its volcanic warmth. Walking up the steps as her Unsullied opened its gates, she admired the gargoyles and dragon carvings. We are dragons, fire made flesh. The walk upwards to the Keep quiet as the Unsullied secured the passageways. For the first time in decades, the banners of House Targaryen draped the walls of Dragonstone. Entering the main hall, her eyes landed on the throne. Where Aegon the Conqueror sat, where so many of her ancestors had sat as lords, princes and kings. She made way to the west wing, finding the Chamber of the Painted Table. Where Aegon, Rhaenys and Visenya planned their conquest.

Letting her hands glide over the dust ridden table, she walked to its head. Looking from it, she saw Tyrion, Missandei, Daario, Varys and Grey Worm make their way in. She closed her eyes, letting the moment be absorbed. She needed this small closure.

Her violet eyes re-opened, "Shall we begin?"

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