Chapter 22

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                                 "Shaurya, leave me. You are hurting me", Mehek whined but he didn't yield. Without warning, he slammed his lips on her soft ones. She was shocked yet wasn't alarmed.She didn't fight anymore and stayed still.  She knew he was punishing her yet she felt fine to yield before him. Besides such gratifying torments can be resisted by only saints and she was a mere human. Mehek wanted to feel the heat and hunger. Sensing her consent, Shauyra reduced his aggression and released her soft petals. "I am not going anywhere, Mehek. I am here to stay. I don't how to make you believe it other than this", he said before dipping his head to meet her lips again. 

He sucked her lips gently and coaxed her to comply. He didn't prison her hands and soon they were sifting through his thick mane. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Without breaking apart, he moved to her bed and placed her gently on it. She was breathing heavily while her eyes were doused with lust. He knew they both desired the same yet didn't want her to regret later. "I need you, Mehek. Do you feel the same?", he asked her hoarsely. She nodded and pulled him down for another searing kiss. She gasped in pleasure when he showered wet kisses on her neck and shoulders. He deftly removed her maternity gown and proceeded to kiss her collar bone and chest. She arched back, giving access to her assets. He suck her peaks and bit her softly. She whimpered but soon moaned in pleasure when he lashed his tongue over it. His skilled hands and mouth were working their magic on her. She was so lost in pleasure that she didn't realise when he had got rid of their remaining clothes.

Shaurya was hard and hot. Yet he reminded to rein himself before ravishing his delicate beauty. He knew it's been long since Mehek had got physical and more over she is pregnant. He had to take it slow else he may hurt his child and Mehek. His male ego was satisfied to know that she was aroused for him and her sleek wet channel was ready for him. Carefully he positioned himself, not to hurt her with his weight. Although blinded by desire, he tenderly entered her. His took it slow. It was pure torture, nevertheless sensual and blissful . She gasped by his intrusion and clasped on the bedsheet to curb her pain. He waited for her to get adjust to his length and then slowly started to move. Soon pain gave way to pleasure. Inhibitions were thrown away whilst she relished the pleasure he gave her. She reached her fulfillment and screamed out his name. He kissed her again before collapsing beside her.

Mehek gazed at the ceiling. Their romantic encounter had tired her, still sleep was far away from her eyes. "Mehek", he took her name softly as he snaked his strong arm around her waist. "Hmmm", she replied and he pulled her towards him. "I love you", he declared softly into her ears. She sighed and remained mum. Sensing her lack of response, he asked her, "Don't you love me?". She turned her face to look at him, "I do. Always. Even when I thought I couldn't love anymore and pushed you away. Even when you broke my heart. Even when I decided to move on with my life without". Tears spilled from her eyes and he wiped it. "I want to hear it, Mehek. Tell me, please", he pleaded her. She sniffed , "I love you, Shauarya". He pulled her closer and kissed her gently. It wasn't carnal but a sweet gesture to seal their emotions. He embraced her and made her head rest on his chest. Few more minutes passed away as they laid closer, none uttering a word but enjoying the comfortable silence they shared. Finally Mehek spoke, "What will happen to us, Shaurya?". He was about to answer but was interrupted by noise of the car. "Shankar and Manju are back. I better hurry", he quickly got up and wore his clothes. Mehek sat on the bed, holding to the quilt that covered her modesty. "Get dressed and come down, Mehek", he told her before closing the door and leaving her alone.

Mehek took a quick shower. Warm water did little to calm her nerves. She was baffled. One moment he shared his feelings and next moment he left her. Shaurya was blowing hot and cold. She already felt confused about herself to be still in love with him. Adding to it, she was embarrassed by his sudden aloofness after their passionate session. May be it was a mistake to let their emotions rule their senses. Eventually she gave up and decided to go with the flow. She had enough experience to realise that she need to accept what destiny has in store for her. When she came down, Manju and Shaurya were excitedly unpacking the package. "There she is", Shaurya exclaimed and came beside her, "Dad, send it for you". 

He unlocked his phone and read the message send by his father. 'Dear Mehek Beta, this a gift from me for you and the little one. Hope you like it'. Mehek looked at Shaurya as she was confused. "It's a crib", he clarified, "for our princess". Mehek was glad but remained quiet and turned her attention to the gift. It wasn't a normal crib but an intrinsic piece of art made out of wood. The handwork and quality of wood used to create it , made it evident that it was a rare and expensive piece. "It's an antique piece. My grandmother got it for my mother. Later I used it and then Vicky", Shaurya explained gleefully but sensing her lack of enthusiasm, he paled. "If you feel it is old and used, then we can get a new one. But please don't send it back", he tried to reason. "No . No . No", she corrected him, "It's really nice. I am really grateful that your father send it here". Then why are so passive, he thought. As if reading his thoughts, she added, "I was just thinking where to put it". "That's simple. You can put it to the room which you plan to change to nursery", Manju pitched in with a huge grin. "Excellent suggestion", Shaurya agreed, "Manju, why don't you and Shankar carry it to Mehek's room", he told her. 

"Why my room?", Mehek was anxious, Is he throwing me away?. "Well , it is closest to the master bedroom and I prefer not to keep my princess away", he explained. Then are you pushing me away from baby, slowly panic rose in her. She was perplexed but chose to remain quiet before Manju. But all her doubts were clarified when Shaurya spoke again, "Manju, before shifting the crib, move Mehek's belonging to the master bedroom". Manju flashed a big smile whilst Mehek remained surprised. "Won't you ask me why?", he directed his question to Manju and continued to smile. Sharuya flashed his cute smiled and pulled Mehek towards him, "Because the lady of the house lives with the master in his room". Mehek blushed and looked down being embarrassed. Both Shaurya and Manju laughed at her expense. "And Manju, one more thing . If anyone asks about relationship between me and Mehek......", he playfully talked to Manju but kept his eyes on Mehek, "then tell them confidently that we are together", he hugged Mehek and said again, "We are a couple".

Mehek stood near the window and glanced outside. The night was cool and calm yet subtle warning of a storm lingered around. Mehek felt the same. In past, she had been hurt many times that in present it all appeared too good to be true. She was slightly startled when his arms came from behind to cover her. "What are you thinking my dear lady?", he asked playfully. "About us", she replied honestly. "What about us?", he was still in jolly mood. She sighed. It was hard to give in or give up on him. She realised that Shaurya had been trying his best to keep her happy. She didn't want to hurt his feelings by sharing her anxiety with him. 

"What is it, Mehek? Are you afraid to spend night with me in this room? ", he humoured her. Despite her foul mood, she laughed. Shaurya nudged his chin onto her shoulder, "I love your smile, Mehek. Keep smiling and be happy. I wish for nothing else". She sighed again and looked outside aimlessly. She was not ready to step into the fairy tale he offered . "What is it Mehek? I can sense your nervousness. Aren't you happy that we are together? Did I do something wrong ?", he became concerned. She shook her head and kept her palm on his cheek to calm him. "Nothing is wrong, Shaurya. Infact I got everything I ever wished for. Yet, I feel....I feel....", she couldn't continue. "You feel scared", he filled in for her, "You are afraid that I may hurt you again". Eventhough she knew the revelation may offend him, she nodded.

Shaurya was indeed hurt. But he realised he had none other than himself to blame. He had broken the simple & innocent Mehek whom she was once. She had grown to be mature and stronger, yet deep down she is very vulnerable and scared. He cupped her face and pecked her forehead. "I understand it, Mehek. Thanks for being honest and sharing your concerns with me. I know I have hurt you severely and I will spend the rest of my life making amends. It will be difficult to trust me again but I want to give me a chance to prove myself", he begged. Anguish in his eyes testified his truth. Mehek became helpless and decided to ward off her fears. She nodded and hid herself in his arms, "I love you, Shaurya". "I love you too, Mehek. More than you could imagine", he kissed her and hope she will understand truth in his words.

PRECAP : Baby Shower for Mehek

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