Chapter 11

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                      "Where is she?", Shaurya slammed his palm on the counter. "Where is WHO?", Sonal played dumb, adding to his annoyance. "Don't you dare play with me", he warned her, "I can shut this stupid shop of yours in few minutes". "Be my guest", Sonal was least bothered,"Anyways it will be shut my end of this month", she shoved his hand away from counter. "What?? Weren't your business doing great? Why then suddenly??", he was perplexed. "We were. But it is not the same without Mehek. Alas! You will never understand it. You are immune to sentiments", she taunted him. "So you are shutting and moving with her, aren't you?", Shaurya asked angrily. "By 'HER' if you mean Mehek, then answer is No. I got a job as a patisserie in a reputed hotel", she dismissed him . He groaned in frustration.

 It's been a month since Mehek left him. First few days he expected her to reach him, begging him to take her back. But he was disappointed when he didn't hear from her. He tried to ignore and get on with his life. But nagging feeling in his mind always brought Mehek to limelight. He made inquiries discreetly and realised that she was not with Sonal and probably not in the city anymore. He still tried to remain unaffected. Yet few days back he tried to reach her but was unsuccessful. I just want to know that she is fine. Once I ensure it, I am over Mehek, he pacified himself. Finally he barged into bakery to confront Sonal. He wasn't surprised that Sonal didn't budge. She was tough cookie to crack. He was about to leave when Sonal spoke, "If you ever talk to Mehek, then tell her that I am extremely angry with her. I forgave her once but not anymore. She can't abuse my friendship forever". "What do you mean, Sonal?", he was inquisitive. "It's not the first time she had bailed on me. Earlier she went off radar due to her spineless fiance, now again for a douche bag liked you", she spat at him. "Fiance? ", he asked curiously, "What had happened then?". Sonal sighed, realizing he isn't aware of Mehek's past, "Never your concern, Mr Khanna. Now if you will excuse me, I need to run a solo show", she left alone before heading back to work

A month back.  Mehek was lost in her own thoughts. When she left the city, she took a train to her native place. She was aimless and decided to go back to her native. But as the train proceeded to her station, her resolution weakened and she stepped down midway. She found herself at a secluded railway station. But the lone time, in the waiting room of a deserted railway station gave her a chance to retrospect. At first, she was angry at herself,  Shaurya and even fate. Once haze of her wrath faded away, she was able to think more rationally. She couldn't blame Shaurya for not loving her or their baby. Shruthi was in his life since long. Whereas she had come during a crisis and tried to complicate it further. She was too adamant to provide a secure life for their child that she forgot to consider his feelings. She should have withdrawn gracefully when he desperately tried to push her away. She felt ashamed to have clung to him like a leech. No wonder he never respected her and took her for granted. Who was she kidding ? Her or Others? She and Shaurya; they never had a chance. Now when she dig deeper, she was unsure whether she ever loved Shaurya or not. He was father of her child. He gave her the most blessed gift of her life. Apparently she had misjudged her feelings for the man who brought a miracle into her. Still a warm feeling lingered in depths of her heart for him but she chose not to name it as Love. 

She touched her womb and was sure of one thing that her child mattered most. 'I love you, Angel. I am your mother and from today onwards I will be your father too. We are enough for eachother. I will thrive my best to provide your everything ", Mehek promised her child. She sighed and tried to contemplate her future actions while wiping her tears. "Excuse me", a female voice disturbed her, "Are you Mehek Sharma?". Mehek turned to find an elderly woman standing near her. "Dr Harpreet Kaur!!!", Mehek was aghast. Despite her situation, Mehek jumped from her seat and grabbed her hands enthusiastically.

Present day A month passed away. Mehek was in last week of her first trimester. Her slightly swollen belly evidently showed signs of her pregnancy. Destiny had brought her back to the same town once again. After meeting Dr. Kaur, Mehek told her entire story to the sympathetic listener. She was surprised to hear about Mehek's pregnancy but delighted too. "This child is a true miracle, Mehek. Mark my words, your child is destined for great things", Dr. Kaur kept hands on Mehek's head and blessed her. Tears brimmed in Mehek's eyes but they were tears of joy. It was first time anyone had blessed her for having her child. Considering Mehek's situation, Dr. Kaur suggested her to move back with her to the old town. Dr. Kaur wanted to provide her with best professional expertise during her pregnancy. Mehek quickly agreed and traveled back with Dr Harpreet Kaur. Once she reached, she moved into to the same properly where she had stayed earlier. But she chose to stay in the distant cottage, where Shaurya had stayed. It was special for her, a place where her baby was conceived. Mehek realised that she can never run away from his memories. The best way to deal with them, were to cherish them. Despite his animosity, Shaurya had given the best gift she ever wanted, her child. She couldn't bear any malice against him and wished the best for him. 

Mehek tried to settled down in the old town. She had enough money to stay comfortably but most were invested in Sonal's business. She didn't wish to harm Sonal's dream project by pulling back her share of money. She had left city without having a word with Sonal and so decided to let her have the money to fulfill her goals. It was the least she could do for her ever supporting friend. So Mehek decided to start working. Partly coz she knew she cannot squander her remaining wealth and has to save for her child's future. And partly as it could keep her occupied. So with help of her landlords, she managed to get a job of cook in nearby dhaba. Ratan Chacha who owner dhaba was a cheerful and kind man. Mehek quickly settled down in her life and was happy. Yet deep down, she was insecure. Apart from Dr Kaur, nobody knew about past. Mehek never lied but people made assumptions that she is a divorcee or a widow. None tried to probe further and treated her sympathetically. She wanted to come clean before Ratan Chacha and Colonel Uncle & Aunty who owned the cottages , but didn't have enough courage. She consoled herself that when apt time arrives, she will tell them everything.

Mehek walked briskly to house of her landlords. She was carrying dishes ordered by them for dinner. Colonel Uncle and Aunty have guests today and they wanted to treat them with delicious food prepared by Mehek. As she was familiar with house, she marched directly into the kitchen. While she was serving the dishes into various bowls, she heard Aunty's voice, "Mehek Beta,I want you to meet my niece Prabha. She is a doctor and practices in city". Mehek turned and folded her hands to greet the lady. A quick flicker of recognition came over Prabha's eyes and Mehek as well. But former was quick to recognize Mehek, "We have met before, haven't we? In a charity event? I believe you were with Mr Khanna". Mehek gulped hard as she too recognized her. Prabha was the same lady doctor who helped Mehek when she had fainted at the art exhibition. Mehek murmured some excuse and left their house immediately.

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I know you will be unhappy as this chapter has no MehRya scenes. I plan to use next chapters to showcase Mehek's struggle and her journey to become a strong woman fighting against all odds.  Shaurya may remain behind curtains for sometime until MehRya will meet again by chance :-)

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