Chapter 16

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                     "I never expected to meet you here", Mehek spoke to Ajay while passimng him a cup of tea. "Feeling is mutual", he told calmly with a wry smile. Once the initial awkwardness faded, they were able to communicate properly. "Actually company I work for, is sponsoring this medical camp. So few of us have to volunteer", he explained. Mehek tried to cover her belly with her shawl and the lab coat she wore. She wasn't comfortable of Ajay being aware of her pregnancy. "How about you?", he asked her. "I am part of Dr Kaur's team", she tried to act cheerful, "How 's is everyone at home?". "All good", he replied nonchalantly, "You look good although put on a few kilos. Still looking like a cute Laddoo", he teased her. Mehek couldn't control her laughter. Ajay always managed to make her laugh. A quality which she liked the most in him. "Your laughter is as enchanting as it was", he told hoarsely. Mehek became conscious and stopped but still kept her smile, "stop flirting with me else your wife will beat you", she humoured. He smiled and sighed. "We are not together anymore", he told her calmly. "What happened?", Mehek was concerned. "We weren't meant for eachother. Once it became clear, we mutually agreed to part", he told her. "I am sorry", she felt bad for him. "I still love you, Mehek", his words surprised her. She didn't expect Ajay to grab her hand, "Can't you give us another chance? Please Mehek, I beg you".

Shaurya was visibly annoyed when he found that Mehek had left with Dr Kaur. He felt angry that she didn't care to inform him and chose to travel to a distant village in her delicate condition. He drove his car fast to reach her. Once he located the medical camp, he was roaming amidst the crowd to find her. Her melancholy laughter, led him straight to her. But the momentary delight he felt on finding her, was long gone when he realised she was with a man. From her body language, it was clear that he was not a stranger to Mehek. His blood boiled when he found her to be jovial with another man. He had a hard time to rein his anger and jealousy but he stood silently debating his next move. All hell broke loose when he saw him grabbing Mehek's hand and she became uncomfortable. He lost his patience and briskly walked towards them.

"Ajay, leave my hand", Mehek stood and looked around awkwardly. She was embarrassed by his abrupt silly actions. "Please, Mehek. It's just you and no one else. After losing you, I realised your value", he appealed to her, still refusing to leave her hand. "Ajay, I said LEAVE MY HAND", she shouted and pulled out her hand forcefully but lost her balance. Ajay couldn't help her to balance. She expected to fall on ground and encounter pain but was protected by strong arms. Somehow she knew who was behind her even before turning back. "Shaurya", she took his name when Shaurya tried to stabilize her. He cocooned her in his warmth and she felt safe. In reflex her hands went to her belly and breathed fast. "Are you hurt? ", Shaurya asked concerned, while he touched her hands kept on her belly. "I am fine just feeling a bit uneasy", she softly rubbed her stomach. 

"Mehek, I am sorry. Are you fine?", Ajay rushed to her side but Shaurya held him at bay. "Stay away from her", he roared at Ajay and helped her to stand properly. She was still taking support from Shaurya while his arm was wound possessively around her waist. "Shaurya, please don't create a scene. He didn't meant to hurt me. It was an accident", Mehek explained, "he is Ajay. He is ....He is an old friend", she managed to convey. "Friend???", Ajay was hurt, "we were engaged to be married", he snapped at her. When Shaurya peered at her in disbelief, she kept her head low. He understood that Ajay was telling the truth. "Let me take you to Dr. Kaur", Shaurya offered. "Who is he, Mehek?", Ajay got annoyed. "He is...he is", she was unable to complete. "I am father of her child", Shaurya said confidently. "What nonsense?", Ajay snapped in disbelief. But then he studied Mehek's appearance and spoke vehemently, "Mehek, are you pregnant? How could you be with child ? Is it even possible? How did you conceive? ". "I guess you need to brush up your high school biology classes", Shaurya smirked at him. But unknown to him, Ajay and Mehek exchanged glances. He was throwing daggers at her while she silently endured it. Without waiting for her concern, Shaurya lifted her in his arms and walked away.

"You are a bit stressed. Take some rest here and you will be alright", Dr Kaur advised her. "We are leaving now", Shaurya declared. "I am not going anywhere. I came with Happy Chachi and I will leave with her", Mehek pursed her lips. "Mr. Khanna", Dr Kaur addressed Shaurya a bit firmly, "I understand your concern. But right now Mehek needs rest. May be later once she is alright if she agrees, you can take her. Till then please leave her alone". Shaurya was visibly unhappy and stormed out of the tent where Mehek was being examined. As Mehek was about to lie down, Ajay barged into the tent. "I need to know the truth, Mehek", he demanded her. Dr Kaur was about to scare him off but Mehek prevented her. "It's okay Chachi. He deserves to know", she told calmly.

 Ajay was agitated. "You told me you could never bear a child. Then how are you pregnant?", his annoyance and anger were evident, "Did you lie to break up with me?". "She never lied. As her gynac, I can vouch for it. Chances for Mehek getting pregnant were extremely bleak", Dr Kaur pitched in, "But she was blessed with a miracle. God is graceful on her". Ajay shook his head in dismay and sat down defeated. He laughed at himself, "I am a pathetic loser. If I would have shown courage to accept you, then may be....". "May be or may not be. There is no point pondering over past", Mehek consoled him. Ajay took a deep breath and smirked, "So you are happily married now and expecting a child". She shook her head , "Shaurya is not my husband. Infact we are not even together but he is the father of my child", Mehek told bravely. Ajay was evidently shocked. He couldn't believe that the timid girl whom he had known, could get bold enough to be an unwed mother. "Goodbye, Ajay", she softly bid farewell to him. "Take care, Ladoo", he squeezed her palms before egressing the tent.

Mehek woke after a brief nap. She felt better and energetic. She was surprised to find Shaurya beside her. He was busy on his phone when she sat up and looked around the tent. "How are you feeling? Do you need something?", he asked her when he found she was awake. She shook her head and left the bed, "I will go back to the camp". "It's almost over, Mehek. They are wrapping it up", he informed her. Fatigue washed over her so she held head and sat on the bed again. "Mehek, you are still weak. Please let me take you back home", he requested her. She sighed and agreed. He helped her to get up and gave her handbag. "That guy...I mean... your ex came again but you were sleeping", he told uncomfortably, "I guess he had left his contact details with Dr Kaur". Shaurya wasn't glad with Ajay yet he wanted her to know more about him. Mehek nodded but showed little interest. It made him happy but he was curious. "What happened to you both?", Shaurya was inquisitive, "I mean I don't like him bit he seems like a decent guy. Why did you break your engagement?". "I had my reasons", she was curt in her reply. "What were your reasons?", he asked quickly. "There was a time I was ready to share it with you but you never cared. And now I don't think you need to know. Mr. Khanna, I am afraid we are no longer close enough", she replied confidently. Shaurya stood dumbfound, hearing her rude reply. Mehek turned and tried to remain firm, "Can we please go now? Or do you want me to tag along with Happy Chachi?". He shook his head and led her to his car.

Mehek was fast asleep when they reached back home. Shaurya didn't want to wake her up so he carefully lifted her in his arms. Manju was aghast when she opened the door for them but he gestured her to keep quiet. He placed Mehek carefully on her bed and covered her with a soft blanket. He was aware of inquisitive eyes of Manju who was still at the door but he didn't care. He bend down and pecked her forehead. He gently placed his hand over her swollen belly and whispered, "Sleep tight, Angel". As he came out of the room, he found Manju at the bottom of stairs as if waiting for answers. "Mehek, had a small mishap at the medical camp. She needs proper rest and care . Be near her and call me if anything happens", he informed her. "Sir, Mehekji is not that kind of girl", Manju blurted out timidly. When Shaurya turned and knitted his eyebrows in confusion, she continued nervously, "If you think she is an easy women, then you are mistaken. Mehekji is an honest and righteous woman. She may be without father of her child....". "Her child has a father", he raised his voice cutting her, "And that is me". Manju was shocked and confused by his declaration. Although he wasn't pleased by her interference, he didn't want to upset the poor woman who obviously meant well for Mehek. He controlled his anger, "Manju, it may be hard for you understand. But just know that she is carrying my child".

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Broken yet not LostOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora