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I questioned him in the morning making sure he didn't change his mind and he didn't. I was so happy that a hot scary guy like Leo was my boyfriend. I can't wait to tell Aunt May and maybe the rest of my family. I'm worried about what they will think of him but then again I really like Leo so it wouldn't matter.

Leo had to go and deal with 'business' so I decided to call Anthony for lunch since Destiny was on a road trip with her family.

We arrived at the seafood place and I was more than happy. I love how this place gives you a bag of whatever you order with gloves instead of those fancy restaurant. I love seafood especially crawfish and crab.Dungeness crabs to be exact.

"How's your summer so far?"I asked Anthony as I dip my food in the sauce

"Its fine,could be more eventful but there's lot more weeks to go."Anthony shrug

"Right and a lot of hot guys."I winked at him and he laughed

We continued to eat and joke around then went shopping.Anthony took up a lot of nike shorts and tank tops and I got some shirts and adidas sweatpants since I'm always inside.

I was about to cash out my items when Anthony came back to me with some shorts and crop tops.Female shorts and crop tops.


"Its for you."He grin

"What am I gonna do with that?"I asked with wide eyes

"Come on you have a feminine body,try it and those sweatpants won't do it in this heat."

"I strongly disagree with that feminine part".I cross my arms.Maybe I didnt have a muscular body like him or anyone other guy I know but I do not look like a girl

Anthony just laugh and push the clothes in my basket.

"They're your size."

I hesitated but let the cashier put them with the rest.Anthony paid for everything and I rolled my eyes and punch him in his ribs.

"Ow,that's not nice."He pout and I giggled

Leo texted me and said he would coming over in half and hour and I was now 5:00 pm

Anthony left at three because he had to work night shift and I was left alone to clean,shower and rinse my new clothes and make dinner.

I was kind of scared to try on the shorts and crop tops because come on they are for girls....and gays....which i am know what i mean.I decided just to try on one pair of each just to see if I was comfortable wearing them.

I got them on a stood in the mirror.I bit my lip and blush looking at my self .I did have a girl like body and the shorts fit perfectly.I trail my fingers down my expose belly and giggled.

I might keep them on

I decide to put some socks on,go to bed and watch a movie.It was 7:35 and I guess Leo was still busy or he won't come tonight.I sighed and went to the bathroom to do my night routine

When I finished brushing my teeth I went into the kitchen for my water bottle and brought it back to my bedroom and placed it on my bedside table that's when I felt the cold window on my skin.I shivered and look towards the window to see it was open.

Did Leo start using the window again?

I face palm myself and went to close it when I heard a noise behind me

"Can you please knock on the door next time its locked?"I said without turning around.

I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me and I turn round and gasp as I see a huge scary looking man.I scream and move to the side as he tries to grab me and I made a run of the door.I could hear him behind me as I run towards the front door screaming my lungs out,my heart beating rapidly in my chest.I exit my apartment and close the door quickly I could hear the body slam against the closed door telling me he was right behind me.I ran down the hall way and turned the corner.I cried out as I collide into someone and fell to the ground.

"Leo!!.I scream and threw myself in his arms

"What's wrong?"he held me and asked

I began to cry and grip him tighter as I hear footsteps running towards us.I felt Leo move his hand into his waist and I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for something to happen

Bang! Bang!

"Let's go."He whispered

He dragged me down the stairs and on to the street.We were almost at his car when someone called from behind us


Five guys stood there with weapons.A car was speeding towards us and when it came to a stop more men jumped out but they were Leo's people

"Micah go wait in the car."

"W-what?"I look up at Leo with wide eyes then back at the guys ready to kill each other

"Lock it when you're in."


"Go NOW!"I yelp and ran towards his car locking all the doors and laying on the back seat covering my ears and closing my eyes.

I scream as I hear gunshots,shouting and police sirens all in one. I felt like I was about to past out because I didn't know if Leo was okay and I didn't want to look but the police sirens are getting closer and I was in a car on the scene. I suddenly hear the car door unlock and I jump peeking up. Leo entered and drove off right away.

"You're staying with me tonight."

Avoiding The Gang LeaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat