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I was over at my aunt's house making cookies and deep frying seafood with her. After we ate dinner and I helped her with her garden,Picking vegetables and raking the dead leaves from under her apple tree.

Now I was sitting in the living room wrapped in a blanket and eating a cookie waiting for Aunt May to come and start the film she said she wanted me to watch. While waiting my mind was going crazy with thoughts from over the pass month. Me doing my final exams for the term, decorating my apartment for Christmas and not seeing Leo .I haven't seen him and that's mostly because I've try to avoid ever running into him or him being able to enter my house unannounced



"You've been nibbling on the one cookie for 10 minutes what's wrong?"
Aunt May ask as she sat in front of me

I push the cookie in my mouth and shrug my shoulders

"Is it school?"I shook my head

"Work?" I answered with a no

"Someone bullying you?"

"I'm nineteen,no one can bully me."I sighed

"Then tell me what's wrong."

I sigh and played with my fingers in my lap

"There's this boy."

I look up at her to see her reaction. Her face was blank she was staring at me waiting for me to continue

"He's tall about 6'1,he has soft silly hair as black as coal,his eyebrows are thick,just eyes....his eyes are blue and they sparkle.They remind me of the stars they are so bright you can see them in the dark." I laugh "His lips are full and pink......and soft. His jawline is sharp,reminds me of a model and he has about 3 piercings on each ear.He has freckles on his forehead and under his eyes but you can only see them if you're close enough.....close enough to hear his heartbeat .He has three cross tattoos on the left side of his face.His muscles are huge....not body builders huge but they're nice.....his entire body is covered in tattoos.He has some clean spots but not much.His smile.....its amazing and dangerous,In other words he's hot."

"If I didn't know better I'd say you just describe the triple cross gang leader."
Aunt may said leaning back in her chair.My heart starts to beat faster and faster by the second.

"I did."I close my eyes waiting for her to scold me . Tell me how stupid I am,fire me.....something.

"You like him?" I open my eyes and look at her.She still has an unreadable face expression

"I don't know."I cover my face and sigh "I've never liked anyone before and I didn't think I'd be confused over a guy.A bad guy.He just came out of no where giving me mixed signs and its frustrating.I don't even know if I'm gay."

"Honey......the way you just talk about and that little smile on your face....there's no way a straight guy can do that."

"Even if I am gay he's no good."

"You can't judge a person by what they do but I can't really tell you what to do because you genuinely like him. He could be a nice person though."

"Are we talking about the same person here?"

Aunt May laugh

"Yes I'm sure we are."

"Well he doesnt want me,but he says I'm 'interesting'.

"How about you find out how interesting you are to him."

"How do I do that?"

"I dont know."Aunt May laugh

We watched three black and white films ,Aunt May talking through most of them getting me to understand how things were in her days.At 7:30 pm I packed the rest of the cookies in my backpack and kiss my Aunt's cheek telling her goodbye.

I walk the sidewalk towards my home replaying our conversation in my head.I was about to cross the road at the end of my block when a car came at full speed towards me.I scream and step back as it stop in the spot I was previously at.I tried to catch my breath and place a hand over my heart waiting for someone to roll down their tinted window.

Once they did I roll my eyes and place my hands on my hips

"You idiot you almost hit me?!"

"Almost, get in."

"I'm not going anywhere with you."I said and started to cross the road but he drove in front

"Micah get in the car."

He knows my name?

"I um no!"I said stubbornly

"Stop being so afraid of everything I'm not going to do anything,just come on."

I huff and got in the passenger seat of his Jaguar XD.Surprisingly his car smell nice and clean.

"Your car is clean."I complimented

"Was it suppose to be dirty?"Leo raise a brown looking at me

"Kinda yeah."

"Stop acting like you hate me all the time."He sighed

"I do."

"You don't, are you hungry? let's go to burger king."

"I didn't even answer." I mentally face palm myself

Leo just smile.I roll my eyes and looked out the window.

After getting out sandwiches and drinks via drive through Leo parked his car at the entrance of a park.We ate in the back seat and talk. This made me learn more about Leo and the more I know the more I feel comfortable around him.The more I like him and the less I fear him. Leo is twenty one and has been in the triple cross gang since he was fourteen.He didn't talk much about his gang but he did tell me about his self,his likes and dislikes.We shared and short yet sweet kiss before heading back home.Leo's kisses always made me feel small,defenseless yet protected and special. I really would want to know if he felt the same way

By the time we made it to my apartment door it was 9:56 pm.Leo and I were standing face to face only the doorframe between us.

"I was doing a little thinking over the pass few days and I've came to the conclusion that I like you. Kinda."He spoke with a smile on his face.

I return the smile and laugh a little trying hard not to blush.I was actually worrying about Leo just using me but here he is telling me he likes me too.

"Like me enough to go out with me?"I ask

"I don't do relationships."He said in a bored tone

And I really had high hopes about this

"I have a lot more to worry about and stuff to do than being caught up in feelings,I'm sorry."

"Fuck you leo." I hissed and slam the door in his face.

I kicked off my shoes and went into my bedroom climbing into my bed and went straight to sleep forcefully stopping myself from thinking too much.

Did I actually thing things will work out with a man like him.

Avoiding The Gang LeaderWhere stories live. Discover now