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"Your eye." Camila said rubbing around it and Lauren smiled at the touch.

"At least I didn't get stabbed nor shot." Lauren said laying her head on Camila's belly.

"Hush, Mani almost busted my ear drum with that scream." Camila said and Lauren laughed.

"I bet." Lauren said and Camila's face scrunched up.

"Oh, ouch!" Camila groaned and Lauren looked at her confusingly.

"Are you okay?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded.

"I think the baby was kicking." Camila said and Lauren rubbed her belly.

"Don't hurt your momma now." Lauren said kissing her belly making Camila smile.

"Hey, sorry to ruin the moment, but we gotta take a flight back to Miami." Alejandro said and they nodded.

They got up and met Alejandro and Jerry in the lobby. Normani was talking to Dinah about something that got her jaw dropped.

"We have to go, we'll tell them later." Dinah said and Normani nodded while looking down.

They walked out into to the lobby to see Alejandro outside talking to Camila as Lauren talked to Jerry about the situation.

"Dinah it's now or later." Normani said.

"Go ahead." Dinah ushered and they went outside.

"Guys we need to tell you something." Normani said and they looked at them in confusion.

"What is it?" Camila asked.

"Remember yesterday before everything happened?" Normani asked.

"Yeah well..." Normani trailed seeing a car speeding around the corner.

"Normani?" Lauren called out, but she kept her daze on the car that stopped in front of theirs catching their attention.

"What do we do?" Dinah asked.

"Wait." Alejandro said.

A man exited the car dressed in a suit as the driver stayed it.

"Mr. Cabello and Mr. Hernandez." The guy said tapping his cane.

"Uh hello." Alejandro said.

"Ah, there they are. Men come get them." He said causing 10 men come out to no where grabbing Dinah and Lauren.

"Night night." A guy said putting a cloth over their mouths.

Normani and Camila were being held back by a men with guns.

"Papa." Camila said slightly scared as the guy held the gun to her stomach.

"It's okay baby girl, what do you want?" Alejandro asked.

"We just want them, if you try and do anything. They die." He said as they dragged Lauren and Dinah to his car.

"Don't hurt them." Normani cried out and he rolled his eyes.

"Women am I right?" He asked and all his men gave him a death glare.

"Listen boss, don't play when it comes to women." One of his men said patting him on his shoulder as he gulp.

"Okay, in the car, let them go." He said getting in the car himself.

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