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"You wanna flex or naw?" Lauren asked and Dinah smirked.

"For sure, get your girl." Dinah said and Lauren went to go find Camila.

Dinah went to go find Normani who was trying to get away from a familiar looking fella.

"No Arin, leave me alone. We are done." Normani said backing up and bumped into Dinah who wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Oh so, you are with her now?" Arin asked and Normani thought for an idea.

"Yes, will I have to prove it to you?" Normani asked confusing Dinah.

"Yes because I don't believe you, I know you love me and you will miss me." Arin said crossing his arms.

"Fine." Normani said turning around and kissed Dinah on the lips shocking her.

Arin walked away pissed and Normani took Dinah hand to walk her somewhere else. They run into Camila and Lauren who were hugging. Yes hugging, don't think nothing else you shippers, she's still a virgin in this story and Lauren respect that.

"Plan cancelled." Lauren muttered into Camila's neck and Dinah nodded.

"Seems fair." Dinah said taking her hand out of Normani's.

"I'm sorry." Lauren whispered and Camila kissed her cheek.

"It's not your fault, let's go get cleaned up." Camila said taking her hand and they walked to Lauren's room.

"You come with me." Dinah said dragging Normani to her room.

Here is what happened when Lauren found Camila.

"Um, I think over there." Camila said pointing to the kitchen.

"Thanks." The boy said cheerfully.

Camila turned around and ran into Lauren.

"Hey babe." Lauren smiled.

"Hey, you need something?" Camila asked.

"Your appearance." Lauren said and Camila nodded.

They started to walk while talking until two familiar figures came up to them.

"Hey Camilla." Austin greeted making Camila step behind Lauren.

"Go away, Mahorny. Along with your pussies." Lauren said making Austin boil.

"You got my sloppy seconds." Austin said making Lauren laugh a little.

She scratched her lip a little as she watched Austin and Brad laugh.

"Wrong move, bitch." Lauren said making then stop laughing.

Lauren punched Austin straight in the jaw making people look at them. Lauren got on top of Austin and punched him, Brad tried to get her off, but this bitch wasn't moving. Brad punched her in the face making her get off of Austin and tackled him to the ground. Brad pulled out of her grip and helped Austin up because he got fucked up. Camila ran to Lauren and pulled her somewhere out of sight of other people. Now, snapping back to reality.

"He got you pretty good." Camila said cleaning the bruise eye.

"I wasn't focused on him." Lauren said and Camila sighed.

"Lauren, I promise I didn't do anything with him." Camila said and Lauren looked down.

"I know." Lauren said.

"Do you not believe me?" Camila asked and Lauren looked at her with sympathy.

"I do, I really do. Do you believe me when I say I do?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded.

"Of course." Camila said.

"Camila, it got to me because I hate when people put your name in their mouth." Lauren said.

"Why? I wouldn't worry about it." Camila stated.

"Because I'm in love with you." Lauren said and Camila bit her lip.

"Really?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded.

"I care about you and I don't want nothing to happen to you when I can protect you." Lauren said and Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren.

"I love you too." Camila said making Lauren smile.

"Oh thank God, I thought you weren't going to say it which would make me think that you either didn't love me or you wasn't ready to say it and that would have devastated me." Lauren rambled and Camila giggled.

"You talk to much." Camila said kissing Lauren.

"Wait what, you talk more than I do. That is one thing you can't deny and..." Lauren trailed off seeing Camila push her on the bed.

"Shut up for a moment." Camila said kissing her lips and Lauren moved her hands to Camila's back.

Let's go see what's happening with Normani and Dinah.

"Why did you kiss me?" Dinah asked.

"I'm sorry, it was selfish, but I needed to get him off of me and he wouldn't leave me alone." Normani said.

"If he wouldn't leave you alone than tell me not kiss me." Dinah said.

"Just forget about the kiss, Dinah." Normani said and Dinah huffed while hitting her head on the wall.

"I can't, your lips are so fucking soft to forget them." Dinah admitted making Normani blush.

"Then, why is it such a big deal?" Normani asked.

"I don't know, out of instant I guess." Dinah said turning her attention to Normani who is looking 10x more beautiful than before to Dinah.

"Hello?" Normani called out making Dinah snap out her daze.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let it go. I already miss them." Dinah said crash in their lips together in which Normani accepted.

Dinah parted Normani lips and pushed her tongue in her mouth.

"Wait Dinah." Normani said making Dinah apologize.

"I'm sorry." She said sitting down.

"No, it's not that. I needed a second, things was happening to fast." Normani said straddling Dinah's waist.

"So, sorry not sorry?" Dinah asked and Normani nodded kissing her again.

Now it's time to stall some time, wait it's my book. I can just end it here. Haha.

A/N: I can write smut, but I wonder if you guys want it? 😅😁😛

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