nineteen | netflix

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I lie on the sofa with my legs up on Elijah's lap. He has one hand innocently placed on my thigh while we both shove more pizza into our mouths.

We are all sitting around the fireplace, some on the couches and some on the floor, eating pizza and drinking.

The wood from the fireplace crackles as it burns and the fire creates a warm glow, making me feel really relaxed. Even though there is loud music coming from the gaming room where other people are drinking and messing around, I feel peaceful.

Someone steps out of the gaming room and comes to join us. He asks Elijah to shift up, so Elijah pulls me on top of him and slides over to where I was sitting.

I am still sitting sideways, so my legs are bent now to give space to the other guy. I glance at Elijah and smile. My cheeks start to burn slightly at how close his face is to mine.

I quickly turn away to get more pizza. What is going on, Bree? Get your shit together.

I shift slightly and lean my head against Elijah's chest. This is really comfortable, I could stay here forever. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me as close as possible.

Shutting my eyes, I allow myself to really relax for the first time in a long time. Biochem is not exactly an easy degree. There is also my job and the fact that I have to live alone which does get lonely.

It's nice to be in Elijah's arms. I've known him for what feels like forever and he has always made me safe.

After a while, I get up and pour myself a glass of wine. "Do you have a T.V upstairs?" I ask Elijah.

It's gotten to that time of the night where everyone is either passed out or having really deep conversations that I honestly do not want to be a part of right now.

He nods and I quickly grab the bottle of wine to refill my glass later. I know I will be too lazy to come back down once I am comfortable.

As I climb the stairs, I realize it's getting really late. Maybe I shouldn't drink 'cause I'll have to drive soon.

"Do you want to stay over?" Elijah asks. "I mean, you have an entire bottle of wine in your hand so there is no way I'll let you drive if you are drinking."

"Uh, I don't know." I stop when I reach the top of the stairs. "Maybe I should go now rather than leaving late."

Elijah shrugs. "Well quite a few people are staying over, so it's up to you. I can give you something of mine to wear if you want."

"Aw, such a good host," I say and pinch his cheeks.

His eyes narrow, but he smirks. "Mhm, but if I give you my clothes the deal is that I get to change you into them."

"You don't have the guts," I state and look around. All there is up here is a single door and a small area with nothing but a carpet.

I walk to the door and push it open to find a huge bedroom. It's about three times the size of mine and it takes up the entire second story of the house.

I place the bottle of wine and the glass on the bed side table, then sit down on the edge of Elijah's bed and bounce slightly. It's such a comfortable mattress. If I got in, I'd probably never leave.

"So you'll stay over?" Elijah asks.

I shrug. "Yeah, why not? We used to have sleepovers all the time."

"True. Didn't we used to even shower together when we were young?" he asks. I chuckle and nod. "We should do that again some time."

"Wow, how much have you had to drink?" I ask.

"Nothing, but I'm surprised you've only had a sip of wine the whole night."

"Why are you surprised? I don't drink that much."

He raises his eyebrow. "At the last party, you were drunk, on top of me and pouring vodka into my mouth."

"Fair point. Usually, I don't drink that much."

Elijah turns on the T.V and logs into his Netflix account for me to watch something. The first thing that pops up in his feed is Sex Education and I laugh.

"It's not that bad," he comments.

I have already watched the majority of the shows on Netflix, so there is barely anything good left. I scroll down and am about to click on The Perfect Date, when Elijah groans.

"If you watch something that isn't a romcom, I'll make popcorn for you," he offers.

"There's nothing to watch," I say.

"I have Showmax. We can watch Game of Thrones, if you haven't seen it."

I nod in agreement. He puts it on and then pauses it just as it begins. "I'll go get the popcorn. Make yourself at home. Mi casa es su casa, and all that."

I finish my glass of wine and pour a new one. Wine isn't my favourite, but it makes me feel relaxed and more at ease, so I don't mind it.

Just as I finish pouring my second glass, Elijah walks in with a huge bowl of popcorn. The delicious buttery scent fills the room.

I haven't lied down on his bed yet, even though I really want to, because it means I have to take off my boots. "Elijah, can you do me a favour?" I ask and stand up.


"Take off my boots for me?" I ask and smile innocently.

He places the popcorn down on the other bedside table and comes around, frowning when he realises the zips are on my inner thighs.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" he asks. I nod and spread my legs further apart, still standing.

He kneels down and his hand goes between my thighs. My entire body heats up as the tips of his fingers brush against my skin. He unzips the boot and slides it off, then moves to the next one. Once their done, he puts them to the side and stands up.

"And my belt," I add.

"Really, Bree? You can't take off your belt?" he asks and chuckles.

I shrug. "I want to move as little as possible," I explain.

He sighs and walks up to me, then unbuckles the belt. While he is staring down at the belt, I stare at his face.

His long, dark eyelashes almost brush against his pink cheeks. His nose is long and not completely equal on both sides, but it somehow suits him. His lips look so soft and pink. He is undeniably attractive.

"Why are you staring at my lips?" he asks, his eyes back on mine as he tugs the undone belt, pulling me right up against him. "What were you thinking about?"

"Do you have pants for me to wear?" I ask, changing the subject.

He nods and goes to his closet, pulling out a pair of his sweatpants and a hoodie. I slide them on and they are a bit big on me, but luckily they can tie at the waist, which I do. I pull my dress off, facing away, and put the hoodie on over my bra.

Elijah goes into his bathroom to change and comes out in black boxers with no shirt on. He climbs into the sheets and I hesitantly climb in beside him, staying as far away as possible.

This is definitely not a good idea.


Hahahaha, if there was an insanely hot guy who was your ex-best friend and you had to murder him, what would you do? Would you actually kill him, or would you do other things first? ;)

T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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