fifteen | panic

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I walk up to my targets house and knock on the door. I decided to leave all my weapons in the car because I won't need them.

The house is gigantic, with long pillars, a large oak door and a fountain in the front. The house must be about three or four stories high.

I get myself into character and ring the bell, then wait for someone to open. Surprisingly, my target opens the door herself — most people who have houses this expensive usually have people to open the doors for them as well.

As soon as she looks at me, I smile. "Hi, ma'am. I'm so sorry to bother you. I was taking a walk around my block, but I accidentally got lost and now I don't know where I am. I left my phone at home and there is no way I can get home. Please could I use your phone?"

"Hi, dear! No worries. Come in! Come in!" she says with a smile.

I walk into her house and gawk at the interior, my jaw basically on the floor. It is like a museum you would find in Italy, with accentuated gold and black colours. The roof has artwork painted onto it and the walls are covered in famous pieces of art from around the world. "Your house is beautiful."

I have no idea how the police couldn't catch her. She literally invited me right into her home. Her huge home, might I add. She's not exactly hiding.

"Thank you, dear. Would you like something to drink? I'm sure all that walking has you parched."

"Ah, that would be amazing. Thank you."

She leads me to her kitchen which is basically on the other side of the planet. Once we reach it, she pulls out a glass from the cabinet.

I notice a multi-barrel pistol in her back pocket. If it wasn't for that gun, I would think she is actually quite a sweet old lady. The fact that she has a gun can't be a good thing, so I have to act fast.

I glance at the knifes that she has in a stand by the toaster and slowly inch towards it.

As she moves to the sink, I grab a knive and slide it up my sleeve. The knife is a krambit, which is quite an odd knife to keep in a kitchen.

When she hands over the glass, I see her reach for her back pocket. She pulls out the gun, but before she can do anything with it, I slide the knife out and shove it straight into her temple.

She screams and drops the gun, so I kick it out the way. She tries to say something but no words come out.

I slide the knife out her head, causing blood to spurt out. She grabs a knife to attack me, but she falls to the ground, screaming and unable to use it.

Once her eyes shut and her breathing stops, I frown down at her body. Tears brim my eyes as I look at her.

What if she has little kids? What if her husband went to buy milk and when he gets back, he finds her on the ground? What if her dog runs in only to find it's dead owner?  

My breathing starts to become rapid, so I quickly clean up the mess and burn her body, then rush out the house and climb into my car.

As I start the car, tears start streaming down my face and my hands start to tingle. It feels like my chest is closing in, so I step on the gas to get away from the house as fast as I can.

I stop driving once I'm a few blocks down and climb out my car, shutting my eyes and trying to control my breathing. All I can feel is my heart beating at a thousand miles a minute and it starts to feel really tight and painful.

Everything around me starts to blur slightly. I know it's a panic attack, because it has happened a few times before.

I feel like I just want to throw myself in front of one of a car and end this cycle once and for all. Antonio controls me and death would be the only way out at this point.

The tears don't stop and it takes everything inside me not to scream. I can't let anyone find me this close to my targets house.

I sit on the road and lean back against the side of my car, keeping my eyes shut. "Imagine your happy place, Bree," I mumble.

The images start to play out in my mind of a place where I felt happy and safe. It was four years ago, when I was sitting on the top of a Ferris wheel with Elijah at my side. I can still clearly see the vanilla cupcake he gave me, with the wax slowly melting down the side of the candle.

I wish that moment could have lasted forever.

Once my breathing has started to calm down, I open my eyes and wipe my tears away with the end of my sleeve. I have to manually control my breathing to stay in control.

Climbing into my car, I let out a sigh before starting the car again and driving back to my apartment.


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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