sixty | bomb

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We find ourselves back in my apartment. I stumble in, my body aching from . . .

Elijah chuckles and wraps his arms around me from behind. His body is warm and comforting.

"Will you stay over tonight?" I ask.

He nuzzles his face into my neck. "You have no idea how badly I want to, but I can't. I am waiting for a response from my lawyer about Kasey. If I don't get it, I'll have to go down to his office in the morning."

I twist around and hug him tight. My heart continues to melt. I think this might may be the best night of my life. Not because of what we did, but because it showed me what love feels like.

He presses a kiss to my head. "I'll come see you as soon as everything is sorted."

"Come straight here. Because if you get custody, we have to celebrate," I say.

And with that, he leaves.

I grab a glass of water, my cheeks still feeling flushed. But a knock comes from the door. I pull the door open with a huge smile. But it's not Elijah.

Antonio grabs my by the throat and pushes me back into my apartment, not giving me the chance to close the door.

"What—What do you want?" I ask, trying to get out of his tight grasp.

From his expression, I know all he is seeing is red. "You think I don't know what you're up to, Bree? I told you I'm watching you. I have eyes on you." He shoves me against my wall, chocking me to a point where I can't respond.

Elijah's POV

It's here. I can't stop staring.

The letter from my lawyer. It . . . It was a success. I got custody of my sister. I don't know if I want to laugh or scream or dance. All I know is that there is only one person I want to share this with.

I turn on my heels and head back towards Bree's apartment. She said we will celebrate. Maybe we can finish what we started on that rooftop, if she has the energy for it.

My heart leaps out of my chest when I see the door swung open. Bree wouldn't leave it like that.

A deep voice floats out from inside. Then they come into view—Bree is being choked. It's that man from before. I'm beginning to think he's not a Tinder hookup. I'm going to kill him. I need a weapon before I help her.

I search around for any pipe or metal object. I guess my car keys will have to do—

"Why is he not dead yet? You told me you will kill that boy, but you won't, will you?"

She whimpers, breathless. "I will. I will. I'm going to see him tomorrow. I'll kill Elijah. Just let me go."

My stomach drops. I duck to the side of the door, out of view. I'll kill Elijah.

"You'll kill him tomorrow. Or you're both dead. You hear me? I'm tired of this game your playing, and I have no more patience left."

I step into the shadows just ask he walks out of her apartment. As he stands in the light, his face filled with anger and resentment, I recognise him. I was with his wife. My body shakes but I try to keep as still as possible. No. No. No.

How could this be happening? There's no way Bree would . . .

And suddenly my chest is hollow. My heart nowhere to be found. The blood in my veins comes to a stop. Every inch of my body wondering why it is suddenly shutting down.

I lean over as if I've been punched in the gut and then stabbed in the empty hollow of my chest.

She is going to kill me.

I knock my fists against her door as soon as the dark-haired man is out of sight. I take all of my fears and anger out on her door until she finally pulls it open.

"I told you I'll—Elijah?" Her eyes widen and she looks around the parking lot. The sight of her makes me nauseous. "Come in, quick."

Loving her had become second nature to me. And now I know I am going to have to let her go. The thought of not having her in my life again makes me want to lose my mind.

I step into her apartment, letting her shut the door.

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

It feels like a knife has been shoved into my throat. I can't speak. A knife to my throat—I wonder if that's how she planned to kill me.

"How long?" I breathe, but it comes out raspy and breathless, like I have been eating ash.

"What are you talking about, Elijah?" Liar!

For her to agree to kill me. I must be as worthless as dirt to her. It feels like a bomb went off. There's a ringing in my ears and the walls seem to be closing in around me.

With shaking hands, I step forward and take her face, pulling her lips to mine. She immediately melts into me, kissing me, making it a thousand times harder to pull away.

One last kiss. For just a few seconds more, I want to pretend she is still the girl I fell in love with.

The soft curves of her body, the smooth hair that barely reaches past her shoulders, the way her lips mould perfectly against mine. She still feels like the girl I fell in love with.

But she's not. I pull back, and it takes everything I have not to hold her again. This is the last time I will ever touch her that way.

She notices my expression. "Elijah?"

"Do you remember the brownie bet?"

She nods. "Yeah, you get whatever you want." She glances towards her bedroom, a small smile on her lips. "We can make use of the rest of that pack if you want?

My chest tightens. I want to throw up. How could she do this, when she knows she's going to kill me? Rage boils inside me.

I avert my eyes to the ground. I can't look at her. "All I want is the truth. Tell me the truth, Bree."

She is silent for a while, considering. "Elijah, I don't know—"

"The truth!" I shout. Like an animal finally released from its cage. "You tell me the truth!"

She nods rapidly and steps back. "Okay, okay." Taking in a deep breath, she says, "I'm . . . I'm a hitwoman."



T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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