Chapter 9: the date

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Hey I know it's been awhile and I'm sorry I was gonna to post a chapter sooner but things got a little messy and I needed to replan out the story so please forgive me And I know this was supposed to be a extra info chapter but I'm scraping that since things have changed but other than that I don't have much of an explanation on why I've been inactive again I'm super sorry and enjoy the chapter
3rd person


We see a young huntress in training rushing down the hallways of beacon in an attempt to try and make it to the city of vale as quick as possible once she reaches the court yard she sees people loading into the bullhead but just as girl was about to reach the bullhead the bullheads doors shut causing the girl to run right into them

The people in the bullhead turned and stared at the girl like she was a moron or as if she were crazy

The girl stood back up and dusted herself off before knocking on the doors hard begging to be let in until a speaker close to the door turned on
(Y/n) POV
Bullhead pilot: miss I am not allowed to open the doors after we've closed them now please step back so we can take off

(Y/n): wait no I need to get to vale please just open them this once!

Bullhead pilot: sorry miss but you have to wait for me to come back around

(Y/n): what but that's in 20 minutes I don't have that time

As I said this the guard rail began to extend around the bullhead indicating people to not step beyond them the bullhead engines began to emit a loud noise

Bullhead pilot: miss please step back or else I'm calling security

I stepped back and hopped over the railing to the safe side with my head hanging low in defeat

Once the bullhead took off and was well on its way I started at it sad and agitated

(Y/n): (sigh) I hope the rest of the day goes better

3rd person (following ilia)


We cut to another young huntress in training digging into her closet attempting to find a good outfit to wear for her date

Leo: how could you forget that your date was today!

Ilia: I'm sorry it's just that I've been so busy with homework keeping a social life and keeping (Y/n) safe that I lost track of time

Leo: still you could have at least figured out a outfit by now

Alison: Leo calm down its perfectly understandable as to why she not ready

Leo looks down and mutters an apology which ilia quickly accepts

Lila: so how does this one look?!

She held up a shirt and pants that clearly don't match together

Leo and Alison look at it for a second before turning to each other and facepalming

Leo: god your helpless

Alison: agreed

Ilia: ya well your not helping at all

Leo quickly pulled ilia out of the closet and sat her down on the bed

Alison: ok you just sit here and we'll take care of the rest

Lila: (thoughts) maybe this was a mistake

Timeskip 45 minutes
3rd person (following (Y/n))

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