Chapter 7: meeting with ozpin and past revealed

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Ilia: hey why do you have to go to ozpin's office

(Y/n): oh umm I'm pretty sure he just wants to talk about earlier today

Ilia: why would he want that, wait did something happen?

(Y/n):*thoughts* crap I forgot that she doesn't know about what happened or about my past I don't think it's the right time to tell her about my family *to ilia* n-no nothing happened I umm I don't know why he would call for me

Ilia: but you just said that he would want to talk about earlier

Ilia then proceeded to give me a look of suspicion which only made me nervous

Ilia: (Y/n) is there something your not telling me

(Y/n): umm... no

Ilia then gave me a 'really' look which made me give in

(Y/n): ok yes there is something that I haven't told you about... or anyone

It's true I never told anyone about my past and whenever someone would ask about my parents I'd just tell them that they died and that I was an only child

Ilia: (Y/n) I know we haven't known each other for that long but we're a team and friends so I want you to know that you talk to me about secrets and stuff I mean we are all going to be stuff together for at least 4 years and maybe even longer

(Y/n): ok yeah your right if I'm going to be your leader then I can't be a mystery to you or the others

Ilia gave me a reassuring smile which warmed my heart

(Y/n): I'll tell you my secret in ozpin's office since I'm gonna be telling him too and I don't think I can handle tell people my past more then once

Ilia: ok that sounds fine but we need to get the others too

And speak of the devil they just bursted into the room

Leo: hey guys we're here!

Ilia+(Y/n): hey guys

Leo: geez you both look depressed did someone die or something?

(Y/n): n-no but I need to both to come with me to ozpin's office I-I need to tell you something

Leo: umm sure thing *under her breath* jeez what happened while we were goon?

Alison: (Y/n) are you alright?

(Y/n):... no

And with that (Y/n) left the room with her team following close behind her while giving each other worried looks

Once they reached the elevator and stepped inside they all started feeling like a big talk was about to happen

(Y/n): *thoughts* I-I'm not sure I can do this... no I can't back out now I have to be strong... man I hope I don't start crying like a bitch

And once the elevator doors opened they were faced with a upset looking ozpin

Ozpin: (Y/n) I see you brought your team... are you sure you want them here for this?

(Y/n): yes if I'm going to tell you then I need to tell my team

Ozpin: very well then please take a seat ladies

Once everyone was seated ozpin took a deep breath and start talking

Ozpin: (Y/n) I talked to your family and they told me about what they did to you and I want to let you that tai has been arrested and now I wanted to ask for your side of the story and if you wanted the rest of your family to be arrested, so I'll start you with this how did you get that chip on your ear?

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