Chapter 6: a little something new

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(POV ilia)

After (Y/n) left the rest of team RLIA continued on with their classes but they all expected her to see her by at least last period but she never showed up

Alison: I need to head to vale and pick up something I ordered online any of you wanna come with?

Leo: yeah I need to get some more dust for my sniper what about you ilia?

Ilia: actually I'm gonna head back to the dorm and check if (Y/n)s there

Alison: alright we'll call if we see her there

Leo: hey but if you find her there just.., make sure to clean up a little after your done alright

As Leo finished her sentence ilia's spots turned bright red

Ilia: w-what!?

Leo didn't respond, instead she grabbed Alison and left an embarrassed ilia in the middle of the hallway

Ilia: I-I don't even k-know what to think a-about that

As ilia started walking towards her teams dorm room she started thinking

Ilia:*thoughts* what did I get so embarrassed I mean I haven't even really talked to her... all tho I do think she looks cute... maybe I-I do like her

As ilia approached her dorm room she heard faint crying and as she opened her dorm she say something that made her heart ache

(POV change (y/n))

I've been crying and shaking for the last couple hours after meeting them again it brought back some extremely painful memories and they just wouldn't stop

But when the door to the dorm open I felt a little panicked

(Y/n):*thoughts* n-no I can't let my t-team s-see me like t-this I'm supposed to be their l-leader

I quickly tried my best to come up with a cover story but couldn't figure out anything so I decided to wipe my tear and pretend like nothing happened and when I turned around my heart started beating a little when I saw it was ilia

(Y/n): h-hey ilia w-what's going on?

I tried to say as cheerfully as possible but only making myself sound more suspicious

Ilia: (Y/n) h-have you Ben crying?

(Y/n): I-I umm n-no I haven't w-why do y-you ask?

Ilia: well when I came in here I heard crying and your eyes are red and you look kinda sad

(Y/n): ok ok you don't need to keep going I-I was the one crying

Ilia: why? Did someone hurt you?

Ilia then sat down at the foot of my bed while caressing my knee which made me feel tingly inside

(Y/n): n-no... well yes someone did hurt me...

Ilia: tell me their names and I'll hunt them down!

(Y/n): no ilia I-I don't want them dead I just want then to leave me alone that's all...

Ilia: oh well then can you tell me how to make you feel better?

(Y/n): well could you stay here... with me for awhile... I-I like it when your near m-me...

Ilia was quite for a little and I got scared I mean like was I being to straight forward or is it to soon

Ilia: (Y/n)

I looked up at her excepting to get slapped or a least called a creep or something but to my surprise she was blushing and looking very cute

Ilia: I like being near you too

Now it was my turn to blush causing her to giggle

(Y/n):*thoughts* man her giggle sounds angelic, I could listen to her for hours

I then felt a hand on my shoulder and noticed that I was ilia's hand and s-she's l-leaning in towards me!

(Y/n):*thoughts in gay panic* oh man t-this is really happening ok (Y/n) just be cool and everything will turn out great... OH OUM THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!!!

Once ilia got closer I puckered my lips and closed my eyes happily expecting a kiss from the hot chameleon Faunus only to be disappointed by a kiss on the cheek

Ilia: oh come on I'm not that easy we can kiss on the second date alright

She said with a smirk that would've work had she not been blushing with her cute spot beaming bright red

(Y/n): o-oh second date? s-so that means that we'll be having a f-first d-date right?

Ilia: I mean only if you want I totally understand if you don't wa-

(Y/n): n-no! I do want a date with you

Ilia: alright then it settled we're going on a date how about Saturday?

(Y/n): yeah that works b-but what time?

Ilia: how about 4:00 does that work

(Y/n): yeah.. OH I know this really good bakery that's open at that time!

Ilia: alright then it's official we're going on a date then

As she said that we both looked at each other and smiled

(Y/n):*thoughts* I-I can't believe it the most beautiful woman I've ever seen  just asked me out on a date!

Ilia:*thoughts* oh oum I can't believe it I just asked out a girl and she didn't reject me not to mention that, that same girl is super cute and nice!

At this point I had pretty much forgotten about earlier today I was to happy and excited to feel sad and for the rest of the day I had spent it doing my missed work until

*thought the schools speakers*

Glynda: May (Y/n) rose please come to professor ozpin's office

May (Y/n) rose please come to professor ozpin's office

Oh yeah I almost forgot that he was gonna call for me well I might as well get this over with


Hey guys how's it going

I just wanna say WHAT THE HECK GUYS where did you all come from even though this is my first book I already have 1k read and it #4 on the rwby tag just last update I said we were at 677 reads since then we've gotten like 333 reads at least thank you

In other news I'm thinking of make another story involving borderlands and rwby if I do make this book I just want it all to know that this book will still be my number one priority and I'll just update that book when ever I feel like it alright cool just let me know if that's something you'd like to see

Also this has 1111 words

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