Chapter 24

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Dean appeared in the living room. He nodded to Leo. Making his way up the staircase with Elena still hoisted on his shoulder. She caught a glimpse of her best friend tied up and gagged. Katarina and Alberto were sitting on the sofa, holding each other's hand, faces sad. Elena's heart sank. She had brought them a huge pile of trouble and if not their impending death.

In the room, Dean walked towards the bed and threw Elena on it. Immediately, she sprang up and tackled him. They hit the floor with Dean under her.

Sitting on his chest, she punched him on the jaw and took aim to hit again. But Dean caught both her arms and in a swift movement, he turned both their bodies so that he was now on top of her.

He straddled her. Knees pinned on her thighs. Her arms pinned above her head in his steel grip. She thrashed her head about and opened her mouth to scream. But her scream was scratched. Her throat was dry from all the shouting she had done outside in the rain.

Finally, weariness set in and her body gave up fighting. She choked back tears as she stared into Dean's hard blue eyes. He was furious! She blinked at him, unsure what to do.

They stared at each other. Moments passed. Dean slowly loosened his grip. She slid out her hands and clawed at his face again. He caught her arms and slammed them onto the ground. Elena yelped in pain. He glared into her eyes, daring her to try another attack.

Defeat rolled into her eyes as she blinked away tears. He tightened his grip around her hands. Tears escaped her eyes, dripping off the sides of her face and onto the floor. She lay helpless under him. He slowly let go of her and got up. Elena crouched away from him to the other side of the room.

Dean looked at her for a few more minutes. "Get some rest," he said somberly. "We are getting married tomorrow morning!"

"No!" she protested with a yell.

Dean glowered. Her defiance had struck a nerve in him. He had tried to be the nice guy putting up with all her tantrums and petty little games.

"Yes! We. are. getting married. tomorrow!" He emphasized each word.

"No..." she sobbed through her tears, shaking her head

Dean lunged forward. He grabbed her by the arms, pulled her body roughly from the floor and threw her on the bed.

"Damn it Elena! I just about had enough of your games!" he screamed at her.

She lay on her side in bed and sobbed.

"N...noo, no..."

Frustrated, he let out a loud shout and kicked a nearby chair. The wooden chair toppled over, one of its legs broken. Dean reached into the back of his shirt and pulled out a gun from underneath.

Elena's eyes blinked wide in horror as he clicked the gun in front of her. With a cold glare fixed on her, he swung his hand with the gun and aimed it at the toppled chair.

He fired.

Elena screamed.

He fired again.

She scrambled further up into the bed, away from him.

The chair lay on the ground split into several parts.

"Fine! Its your choice! If you don't want to marry me, fine!"

He turned and walked towards the door.

"Tomorrow you will attend the funeral of your three friends downstairs!"

He told her in a voice that sent chills down her spine.

"Nooo!" Elena screamed.

Her instincts reacting. She jumped from the bed and ran to him. Grabbing hold of his hand, she begged him...

"No! Don't! Please! Dean..."

He yanked his hand out of her grasp and slammed his palm on the door. His other hand still holding onto the gun! Dean closed his eyes. His muscles tensed.

Creepily, time ticked by.

"Its your choice Elena! Decide now!"

He spoke, still in the same posture with eyes closed...

Silence hung in the air. Seconds passed by...

Through her tears, in a shaky voice, Elena spoke softly.

"I...I...will...marry you."

Dean opened his eyes and turned his head towards her. Tears rolled down her face and the corners of her mouth were trembling. Her arms were wrapped around her body.

With grim eyes, he told her, "Get some rest! The things you need for the wedding will arrive later in the day!"

He turned the door handle and stepped out of the door. He spoke, with his back facing her.

"Don't think about running again! I am not a man of patience!"

His harsh voice sent another wave of chills down her spine.

Dean slammed the door shut, leaving Elena in bitter tears and a wounded heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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