Chapter 23

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Dean ran.

Elena, Elena, Elena.

That was all his heart and mind thought about. An uneasiness crept into his heart. Something terrible was about to happen to her. With that premonition, a new determination surged through his body, forcing his legs to run faster.

Nothing must happen to her.

It has been two weeks since the attack at the mall. Dean and Leo had tried to smoke out the traitor in their midst. Deliberately, Dean had told Leo to let go of the Greek deal. The profits would have been lucrative. As instructed, Leo pulled out from the negotiations with the Greek family, whose traits were similar to the Bishops. As Dean expected, the deal was passed onto the Triglias.

Romeo, Ignazio

It was unthinkable that either one could be involved. Both soliders were very much apart of the thought process for the security and the businesses of the Bishop Empire. The two men had been loyal to Dean and Leo ever since they were apart of the Crew from seven years ago, back in their late teens. Yet, this was Elena. The attack was created for Elena alone. The shootings at the mall were fired at Dean when he knew in actual fact, the target was Elena.

They hadn't been able to nail the mole in the Crew but Dean knew the b*stard would strike any moment, whatever it took to keep Dean and Elena from getting married.

The rain was heavy and it him hard. Looking at the ground, Dean saw the imprints in the wed earth, being washed away just as quickly by the torrential downpour.

The vineyard led to a cliff. A dead end. Wherever, she chose to run, Dean would get to her eventually. That he knew. And his instincts also knew that the spy was out on a mission. There was no time to call Leo or the rest of the Crew for back-up. Dean stopped.

He listened.


It was her.

Pulling out his gun from the back of his pants, Dean fired into the air.


An alert – that's what the shot was for. To let her attacker know Dean was closing in.

He couldn't afford to lose any time. Each second was a ticking time bomb. She was in danger.


The spy froze.

Two gunshots. He knew what each shot meant. The first was a caution and the second a deadly warning.

Even in the downpour and winds, he was well – trained enough to know when guns were being fired. His Capo was nearby and he had heard her screams. Frustration worked its way into the spy's inner being. So close. The spy decided...

The knife rose in the air and it came plunging down.


A burning heat scorched through his arm and his fingers began to lose the grip on the knife's handle. His mind screamed at him to run. If he was caught, death in the hands of Dean Bishop would be slow and torturous. The young Don didn't take kindly to betrayal and furthermore to the one who had intended murder on his wife-to-be. His death would be slowly excruciating.

He looked over his shoulder and saw his Capo running. Clutching his injured arm, he jumped off the struggling woman beneath him. The spy ran and hoped to hell, the Don wouldn't give chase. Dean was athletic and agile. It would be a matter of seconds. The spy took off, in fear for his own life.

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