What am I doing?

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A/N: Hey yall, how you been? I can't believe it's the summer, school went by so fast. I decided to update since I don't have anything in the way. I hope you enjoy don't forget to comment. I LOVE reading them, they brighten my day.


It's crazy rereading these chapters and realizing what I wrote. I honesty forgot about some of the events that happen. 

If you are still in school...

What grade are you moving on to?


Rayne pov

Feeling someone shake my shoulder roughly, I lift my head out the covers. Only to see Marcus expecting him to just bother me like always. 

But, studying his body language and his face something was wrong. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, with his knee bouncing. 

Probably not noticing it, he seemed like he was thinking about something. With his hands rubbing his head, "We need to talk."

Not even glancing in my direction, having his gaze on the floor. "You about to break up with me," trying to break up the tension in the room. 

Sitting up, so that my back was against the headboard. Giving a huff, he gets up so fast, scaring me about what he wants to talk about.

"Look if it's about yesterday, you didn't have to. I could've taken the consequence for my actions." Keeping my eyes off of him, messing with the hands. 

Hearing him sigh he moves to stand directly in front of my bed, looking at me.

Rubbing his beard "How well you know your boyfriend?" Choking on my spit, out of all the question he could have asked, he asked that.

"I know a lot about him, he's a great person, caring, protective, so much more." Smiling while telling him about Dante. Out of nowhere, he started laughing. 

Am I missing something here, because I don't see the joke?

Taking his phone out "Let me show you your "caring person." Now that scared the hell out of me. 

Handing me his phone, seeing that it's a video. Looking at him, motioning his hand towards the phone.

Taking the phone I press play, at first it looked like a normal video.

Marcus and his friends riding in the car having a good time. Seeing them pulling up at someone's house hearing screaming and shooting in the background.

"Yeah! Yeah! THAT"S WHAT YOU GET!" whoever had the phone was running, suddenly stops. "Dante, what you doing, man?" Someone says.

 Whoever had the phone holds it up to see Dante sitting next to 2 dead bodies. Wanting to give the phone back, something tells me to keep watching.

Even though they're dead he continues to shoot. Not stopping there, he starts laughing like a psycho.

 Picking up a beer, I guess he had next to him he takes a drink, pouring the rest on the bodies. Reaching my limit throwing the phone back at him.

"Who were they?' Wanting to figure out why he did it. 

 "It doesn't matter who they were, your ex is sick" Shaking my head. 

"My ex?" I say confused. 

 "Yeah, you gonna break up with him. I'm not asking, I'm telling you. He's been going around starting things Rayne." Grabbing his phone off the bed, he heads out the door.

Well isn't this great news to wake up to. Leaning over to grab my phone, looking at the time.


Not knowing what to do, I powered my phone off. 

Turning the tv on turning to some cartoon, laying my head on my pillow. I started to cry feeling frustrated, hitting my hands against the bed.

"Why? Why? What were you thinking?" I whispered. Trying to understand from his point of view. Wanting to ask him, there's always two sides of every story.

But, the bad thing of asking is, what if his reason doesn't justify his actions?

What made him do this,  this time?

 All I know about is the guy he killed that hurt me. Which I completely understand, and honestly grateful for. 

 Grabbing some clothes changing quickly going into the bathroom, brushing my teeth. Throwing on some shoes I get a uber, rushing downstairs when it pulls up.

Popping my head in my parents' room to tell them I'm heading out. Hopping in the car I give her the address trying to take this moment to think.

Staring outside the window watching the trees fly by. Seeing his apartment come into my view I sit up. 

Thanking her before getting out the car, walking inside to go to the elevator. Standing in front of his door, taking a deep breath before I knock.

Knocking, I take a step back hoping someone besides him answers. 

Hearing the door unlock, it swings open to seeMrs. Lisa, his mom. "Hey hun, come in."

 Giving her smile, walking in turning back towards her. "Hey, how are you?' Watching her close the door back walking into the living room, I follow her. 

"Still living, how are you?" Folding the cover that was on the couch, putting it on the arm of the chair. 

 "I'm doing ok." Wrapping my arms around myself looking around.

"Is... um, Dante here?" Leaning back on the couch, nodding her head, "He's in his room, please try not to kill him. I know when someone's upset."

 Giving her a small smile, I turn around heading for the bedroom trying to calm my emotions.

Making it to his door, I head in without knocking. 

Laying on the bed smoking, he looks so calm and collected. Closing the door behind me, I stay by the door not wanting to be near him. 

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming." Sounding like he just woke up with his raspy voice.

Shrugging my shoulders not responding to him, pushing my hair out of my face. 

"Come here, give me a hug." Getting off the bed coming closer to me. 

Shaking my head "Don't come near me, right now." Grabbing a chair putting near his bed sitting down looking him in the eyes.

"Someone showed me a disturbing video about you, and I couldn't process it. I couldn't believe that it was you, and I never saw that side of you. It made me sick to my stomach that I couldn't think of an excuse for you. But, I wanna hear your side." Waiting for him to come forward and say what he did. But he sat there looking at me like I was crazy.

"The video was of you killing some guys, the disturbing part was that you sat there and laughed about it. Did you not feel anything? Was it fun for you to kill them?"

 Shaking his head, he started smiling. Finishing smoking before putting it out, leaning forward closer to me. 

Giving a little chuckle, "What you want me to say? That I feel bad about all of it? I didn't mean it. I obviously did mean it, if you couldn't tell. Bae, it excites me makes me feel good. " Having a calm tone and a straight face when he said it.

"You excite me." He said, sending chills throughout my body. All I could think was, what the hell did I get myself into.

A/N: Hey, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I hoped now you get the meaning of the title. Yes, Dante has a crazy part of him that you'll see more of. Earlier, this year I had an idea of what I wanted to happen in this book. So, hold on tight, because you're in for some surprises.

Have a wonderful day, don't forget to vote and comment.

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