What's Going On?

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    Rayne pov

Heading home since school just got out. I didn't have a car, which sucked. But, I refuse to get on the bus, with all that screaming. I don't know how they do it. Shouldn't you be exhausted from school?

Putting on my earbuds, I listened to Thanks 4 Nothing by Mariah the Scientist . It was warm outside with the breeze blowing. Getting lost in my music, I didn't worry about anything. Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, I looked to see who texted me. I realized that Jocelyn texted me.

Jocelyn 😅: We are going to California pizza. Want to come?

Rayne 💛: Yeah. I'm hungry. Come pick me up.

Jocelyn 😅: Ok. On the way, Love you.

Shaking my head at her. Saying I love you back. About to send my location till I realize everyone has eachother location.


Walking into California Pizza, it looked like everyone from school was here. Seeing my friends sitting in a booth in the back, I walked to the table.

"Did y'all order yet?" I said. Sliding into the booth next to Carter. "No, what you want?" Bj said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged my shoulders, not caring. "I don't care as long as you get some hot wings." Putting the menu down, knowing I'll eat whatever they will.

Looking around, I see Kyle, who is the football captain. I expected him to be cocky and all, you know the usual stuck up popular guy. He stood at 6'2 dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and you can tell he works out. The shirt he was wearing clenching around his shoulders. Hugging every part of his upper body,leaving nothing to the imagination.

But he's the opposite, of everything I thought. I met him last year in Science, where he shared his Kit-Kat with me.

I don't know if he knew that was my favorite candy. But, from that day on, he would always get me something to snack on. I knew he was going to be a friend of mine. We ended up having this brother and sister relationship. Before y'all think anything else.

I guess he saw me looking at him because he waved me over. Moving Bj's arm, I got up pulling the shorts down, that were rising as  I walked. "Where you going baby momma?" Sydney asked. Putting her phone down, making eye contact with me.

"Kyle," As I continue to make my way over to him. Making sure not to get in the way of the servers.

Getting out of his booth, he got up to give me a tight hug. "Whats up?" He said, squeezing me tightly. "Nothing much, same old." Laughing at him, trying to get out his tight hold.

"Shut up," he said. Taking a step back, letting me breathe again. "It's just that we don't hang out that much." Now thinking about it. We did use to hang a lot. But, being a senior, you must prepare for the future.

"I know, but you be busy. I'm not complaining tho. You keep doing your thing. Don't forget about me when you go to the NFL." He was laughing, shaking his head. "I'm not playing. I'm serious. You were already getting calls from different coaches. You know news spread fast around the school."

"You ain't lying. I hope I make it, and I'm happy to hear you have faith in me." Smiling down at me."Outta everyone, you deserve it the most." Squeezing his arm. Making sure he knew I meant every word.

"Rayne! The food. Hurry up before Sydney eats it all!" I hear Garret scream,. Saying goodbye to Kyle, I hurry back to my seat. Telling everyone to stop being so loud in public. I realized I didn't have anything to drink. "Where my drink at?" Looking around the table, trying to see if I skipped over it or something.

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