Am I the Problem?

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Rayne pov

After everything that happened with Dante. I didn't care to speak to him anymore

Telling all his friends together, is crazy. Some might say making out with him, is giving mixed signals. Oh well, I don't like people knowing my business, and the fact he lied on my name is insulting.

Walking into school the next day, my mood was off. I don't want to talk to anyone. I was shutting people out.

I just wanted to focus on school. I know, that's wild for me to say.

"Yo, Rayne." Ignoring whoever was calling me. I walked into my class. Sitting all my stuff down I looked up to see people looking at me.

"I know I'm gorgeous. But can you all stop staring? I'm sorry, but none of y'all can get this."

"Yeah, except Dante." Someone said. "Yo, you think you mad funny. Who said it?" Waiting for someone to say something. It remained quiet, not one word. " Now your behind is mute. That's what I thought. Always acting big and tough.Lame ass hoe."

We've been sitting here for a whole 25 minutes waiting for the teacher. A whole 25 minutes, not half. Finally, she comes in. " I'm sorry, I'm late." Our substitute teacher says. "Really, I thought you mad early," I said. "We can obviously see you late."

"Excuse me?" Looking me in my eyes. "Is there a problem?" I said. Crossing my arms over my chest. "You're very disrespectful."

Let me tell you, this teacher is giving me a stank look. Saying a prayer so I don't say something I'll regret. I open my eyes and realize she still not teaching. "Aye, you not gonna teach. It's been 30 minutes," Jordan says.

Rolling her eyes, she started to teach. When that class was over, it was like heaven. It was heaven because I didn't have to stay there.

Thinking about what happened. I felt terrible for the teacher. I'm over here mad at Dante irrelevant behind, taking out on other people. "I'll apologize later," I say to myself.

Walking to the vending machine, to get a Fanta. Drinking some, I squeeze my eyes shut , feeling the burn sensation in my throat. The power of soda I tell you.

"Dang. That's good." Feeling a little better. Leaning my back on the vending machine, I slide down.

"Should I go apologize now or later? " Talking to myself again. "Later girl, we need a break," I responded.

"Are you okay? Who are you talking to?" Someone asked who walked by. "Myself. " Blowing them a kiss.

"Do you want me to get you help? It's not good to talk to yourself." She said. She was messing with the bracelet on her arm. Is she being funny? Or, is she really concerned for my well-being.

"See, that's your problem." She looked at me like I was crazy. Oh god, I hope she doesn't think I'm on drugs: Yay, more rumors. 'Everyone needs to talk to themselves. Whether it's about a decision or stressed. We all don't have people we can talk to 24/7."

I was getting up with my soda in my hand. I walk up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "It's okay little birdy. Go ahead and cry it out." Walking away from her, looking me in my eyes. She gave me a puzzled look.

Shrugging my shoulders, I head to the front office. Plopping down of the couch they have. I start to think about different things. "I want a red velvet cake. No, lemon cake. Now, I want a Philly cheesesteak. Ooohhh, with some fries. Don't forget the sweet tea." So many hard decisions.

Feeling someone tap me on my shoulder. I turn around to see who it is. You'll never guess who it was.

Standing with all his glory is the Mr.Royality Marcus. Give a round of applause. Yes, you guessed wrong. It was my idiotic brother.

"Why are you at my school? Marcus' mom told you about trying to seduce the nurse." I can't believe he's still trying.

"Please, I'm over her." Pushing me to make room for him on the couch. Ion know what everyone problem is pushing me. Rolling my eyes, fixing myself.

He's been crushing on the school nurse since he was here as a freshman. She's in her late 20's a husband and two kids. "You could've just said Rayne, Mind scooting over, please?"

"Shut up. I'm here because the guidance counselor called. Somebody told her you were creeping the students out. For the thousand times, this week." Fixing his fake glasses on his face. " Not a surprise. I told you about that." Fixing his jacket walking to the front desk to sign me out.

"At least, I can leave early," I muttered. I was cracking my back. From all I went through today. "I'm just fucking with you, ma said we gotta go see Gramdma June."

Pulling up in the driveway, I remembered something. I forgot to apologize to the teacher. I don't even know her name.

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