Chapter 8

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Nathaniel’s POV

The yard to the St. John looked like a market place. People of all ages, sizes and races had gathered here to sell their goods or to buy something, the proceedings from the event going to fund the church renovations. Quickly-made stands were laden with all sorts of things ranging from secondhand clothes and toys to homemade pies and other pastries. People buzzed around like busy bees, laughing, talking and opening their purses in the name of the good cause.

“Do we have to be here?” Val whined, her hands crossed over her chest.

“Vallery, we have been in this town for three weeks now; it’s time we become a part of the community,” mom explained in an exasperated tone.

“Can’t we just go to another barbeque?” My sister asked, referring to the get together our neighbors – the Johnsons, had organized last weekend. “At least there was food there.”

“There is food here too, Vallery; you’ll just have to pay for it. And all the money will go for a noble cause,” mom chirped.

“Yeah, one in which I don’t believe in,” my twin muttered under her breath.

“Vallery Reed, you are not ruining this fundraiser! I expect you to be on your best behavior. And you, Nathaniel, sweetie, will you look after her while I sell our stuff?”

Our mother had bought things to sell. Yes, while others had taken the opportunity to get rid of some unwanted and perhaps completely useless things in the name of God, our parent had spent the last few days shopping for items to sell at a third of their original price. It wasn’t just because we didn’t own that many old things; with moving around, it was easier to pack the necessities and buy all the rest once we settled down. The main reason why mom was about to sell new goods was because she didn’t want anyone to see anything worn-out on her stand; she’d feel too embarrassed.

“Yes, mom, I’ll keep an eye on Val,” I replied and heard my twin whisper ‘now that’s a surprise.’

“Good.” Mom patted me on the head. “I’ll go put these on display – did I tell you I’ll be at the stand next to Mrs. Johnson? –and then I’ll call your father… Such a shame he had to work on this Sunday of all days! And… Oh, I’ll have to talk to the reverend’s wife; she offered to help me since it’s my first time here and who am I to say no to the reverend’s wife? What was her name again, Nathaniel? You know, the skinny woman with curly brown hair, dresses plainly, very modest of course…”

“I don’t think I’ve met her, mom.”

“Oh, too bad, she’s such a quiet woman, perfect for her role. That won’t aid me with getting to know other people, but Mrs. Johnson promised to introduce me to the pillars of our little society,” she went on in her typical way without a pause between the sentences.

“I’ll be going then, kids. And, Vallery – keep all the buttons of your shirt buttoned! We can’t have you displaying flesh here.” She looked my sister from head to toe with a slight frown on her face. “You should’ve taken a jacket like your brother and did you have to dress in all black?”

“Look on the bright side, mom – if anyone kicks the bucket during the fundraiser, I’ll be properly dressed for their funeral.”

“Vallery!” Mom scanned around us to make sure nobody had heard my twin. “No such remarks while here, young lady!” She turned around to leave but halted and delivered her final line: “Or anywhere else for that matter.”

“Freedom, finally!” My sister screamed once mom was out of earshot and immediately undid the top two buttons of her shirt. “And what are you looking at?” She snarled at the old lady who had paused to see why Val had shouted. The woman hugged her bag to her chest and hurried away.

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