Chapter 7

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Nathaniel’s POV

The Hell if I know” – yes, that had been very helpful indeed!

Hunter was her nephew, she was supposed to know him, and even she couldn’t manage him. How was I to do it then?

Our front door screeched as I opened it. Dad should oil the hinges but if I left it to him, we’d probably have to endure the sharp noise until it was time to move again; I’d better find a hardware store and take care of the problem myself. Tomorrow was Saturday, I should look for one then.

“Mom? Are you okay?” I asked whilst walking into the kitchen to find her gulping a pill. She twisted around, startled, but forced a smile, her lips forming a crooked line.

“Oh, didn’t realize you were home yet,” she replied in a high-pitched tone. “I’m fine, sweetie; I just got a bit of a headache.”

“Do you also have a fever?” Walking towards her, I put my messenger bag on a stool then, once I was standing in front of her, I placed my hand over her forehead. She was perfectly cool.

“No, no, I don’t think so, sweetie,” she giggled nervously. “Just a migraine; I’m fine.”

“Why don’t you go lie down?”

She moved away from me and opened the fridge, her eyes scanning the items inside.

“I have to make dinner.”

“I’ll do that; you go rest, mom,” I insisted.

“You are the sweetest boy, do you know that?” She smiled again, this time for real.

“So you keep telling me.”


“Hunter, we need to talk,” I squeaked.


I cleared my throat and tried again, this time aiming to sound stern instead of like an anxious little girl.

“Hunter, we need to talk.”

No, that wouldn’t do either; I still sounded too mellow and insecure. I stopped my pacing and gave it another go:

“Hunter Harris, we need to talk!”

A loud laughter interrupted my rehearsal. My neck cracked as I turned my head towards the open window.

“You sound like someone’s mother right now,” the blond commented, leaning on the frame. This time, he kept all his limbs inside the confines of his bedroom.

“My Aunt said you came to our house to see me today.” He tilted his head to the side and lifted the left corner of his lips up. “Did you miss me?”

“No.” I tried to sound firm. “We really need to talk, okay?”

“Do I need to sit down?” He jested.

“Very funny, Hunter. Just come over, please.”

One swift motion and he was perched on the tree between our rooms, grinning that he’d managed to startle me. I couldn’t help but envy the ease with which he moved as he slid into my room through the window, his feet greeting the carpeted floor with a quiet thud.

“You could’ve just used the door you know,” I muttered, taking a few steps back to put some distance between us. “You don’t have to sit for this conversation but you can do it if you want to,” I offered, remembering the host should provide some comfort for their guest and pointed to the chair in front of my desk. Hunter walked past it and towards the bed, stretching before lying on his back with his arm under his head. He looked quite unabashed with taking over an item as personal as the one I used to sleep on.

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