Chapter 33† Kayleigh

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After several emotional hugs, we decide to head inside to have some more privacy.

"So, what's the move?" Andrej asks. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. What do I say?

"What is it?" Einri asks.

"Well, firstly, I can't take you back with me."


"Well, firstly, I can't take you back with me." My stomach drops and my vision goes blurry with tears.

"What?" I choke out. Kayleigh looks at her lap beside me, fiddling with her fingers and the hem of her skirt.

"I'll have to covertly sneak you back." The tears clear instantly and I sigh in relief.

"Why you always gotta do that? Idiot," Althia says from across the table. "I'd punch you if there wasn't a table here." Evangeline elbows her hard.

"Be nice to your younger sister. You're setting a bad example," she mock chides in a baby voice. Althia grabs her cheeks and squishes them. Kayleigh rolls her eyes.

"I can get you guys access codes and directions to Eros but I need you to stay on Earth for at least a few more days after I leave."

"To do what?"

"Monitor. I have some plans set into motion."

"Plans for what?"

"The head Command School candidates want to end the bugger wars. Peacefully." What?

"How do you know?" Evangeline asks.

"I'm with them. I'm here under IF supervision," Just like I thought, "to root out the group that made an attempt on their lives a few weeks ago. However, the IF will keep fighting and fighting, at any cost, even though we're at a stalemate. They brought me in-"

"To give them an edge." Andrej completes. Kayleigh nods.

"So what're you gonna do?"

"I've contacted the political influencers Locke and Demosthenes. They're going to cause an uproar against the war and try to rally the people against the IF to stop it."

"And if the IF doesn't react the way you think they will? They still just see you as a kid. They may not take you as a serious threat," Althia notes.

"Then I kick their sorry asses for doubting me." We all laugh.

"At least they haven't killed your spunk yet," Harvey says. He puts his elbow on the table and plops his head into his hand and sighs. "I don't understand why we can't come straight back with you."

"The IF thinks you're old or dead. They'd kill you if they knew you were alive. They intend on using you guys to manipulate me into winning this war single handedly," Kayleigh explains. I nod sadly. "The good news is that I found who attacked the candidates, so we have the rest of our few days here to discuss and plan."

"Okay, recap: first Locke and Demosthenes create political uproar and put pressure on the IF to end the war. Then their students pressure them to end the war. Then they end the war. Then what?" Einri lists, checking off a mental to-do list on his fingers.

"We give them someone to rally under. It'll be hard, because it will have to be someone the whole planet can admire and support unfailingly," Einri muses.

"I was thinking the head candidate. If we can get vids of him battling the buggers and saying some deep dialogue, the people will love him. It's the family charm," Kayleigh says with a wink. Althia raises her eyebrows.


"She knows."


"That her team is alive."

"They are?"

"Don't act so surprised Colonel. As though they could ever die? You'd have to be insane to think that.l, what with their genetic modifications and all."

"Genetic modifications?"

"Do you know nothing, Colonel? Yes, genetic modifications. They can manipulate matter with a simple thought, invade other people's most private musings with a bored glance. It's what makes them master manipulators."


"I know, Colonel. It's hard. She is just fifteen. But so is Ender, and he was expected to win the war."

"Ok, so what do we do? We couldn't keep them from becoming friends..."

"You initiated that, Colonel."

"Right, sorry. But how do we gain control of her again?"

"Her team. She found them. Lord knows what they're plotting. They probably want us dead in our homes as retribution for their separation."

"Listen, Strategos, I know this is what we've been told, but you haven't met her. She's a thoughtful young lady-"

"No. She's not. She is probably planning the end to this war and our way of life as we speak. And you can bet your britches the IF won't be part of it. She'll frame us, and we'll all be eviscerated for war crimes within four days."


"She wants worldwide chaos. And she'll have it. Her team is deadly. And so is she. Don't forget it."


"Get her back on Eros ASAP. I want her distracted fighting in sinulators with our fleets in two weeks."

"That's imposs-"

"Is it? Her ship got to Earth far faster than she told you. That's not the only thing she's hiding. Get. Her. Back."

"Yes sir."



"I'll contact the Intergalactic Alliance."

Ev rolls her eyes.

"Ugh," she groans, wrapping her arm around my sister. Ugh, they're so PDA I'm gonna vom. "Not those losers again."

"Those losers are gonna help us contact the buggers. They're also gonna back us quietly against the IF."

"Yeah, most of them are curious about humanity." My arm screens light up with a new message.

Hate to rain on the parade, but you, E, and P are needed back soon. Leave tomorrow.


"What is it?" Althia asks

"Graff is calling us back. We leave tomorrow. He knows."

"That we're alive?"


"Shit." Yup.

"So now what?" I sigh.

"This may delay our plans. It may take a while for Demosthenes and Locke to plant the seeds of rebellion. Plus the Strategos may not trust me anymore, if he ever trusted me at all."

"So when do we get off this blasted rock?" Andrej snorts. I smirk.

"Gimme a month. Try to stay out of trouble til then." I flick Mikhail's chin and stand up. "See ya around. Keep me updated." They snap a small salute. I smile softly and turn my back on them.

My team.

It's a relief to know they're alive. A blessing.

But it took immeasurable strength to not go running back to Mikhail's warm hug and leave the war and Ender behind.

These people need help. No one else needs to die. We can free then from their assumptions.

We have to.

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