Chapter 30 † Kayleigh

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A message pops up on my communication link, beeping demandingly in my ear as I walk back to the house to speak with Valentine. I pull it up using the screens in the arm of my suit.

Coffee tomorrow? Half shot, extra caf, vegan milk ONLY. Three extra pumps of vanilla ;)

Cafe Latte, directly across the street from your hotel. 0930 hours, so as not to cut you short any sleep or shopping.


I stop in my tracks, breath hitching as I contemplate the words I see. The message was sent to me via our Gold team link, only accessible through our suits. The jab at the overly complicated drink ordering tendencies of women my age. The vague insult at my free time activities.

It drips Mikhail.

But he's dead.

Perhaps not.

I have to check it out. No one else could know that. I sigh deeply and send a fast reply message, continuing my trek back inside to talk with Valentine.


Have it ur way, sucker. Triple caf, extra skim, four pumps chocolate syrup, and four pumps peach flavoring. Topped with a triple shot of decaf and served in a Hanukkah cup.


I snort and smirk. She's in.

"We're ago boys. 0930 hours in the Cafe Latte tomorrow."


I open the sliding back doors and quietly reenter the house. Ender and Petra see me from their couch in the open living area, and both simultaneously stop their conversations with Valentine.

"I guess we need to go now?" Ender states, his eyes turning down at the corners as he glances toward his hands that trace patterns on to the plush sofa.

"Only for a few minutes while I talk to Valentine. Then we can all do the chatting and the laughing and whatnot." Ender nods and stands up, shuffling into what I assume are his shoes. Petra stands up a moment later and puts on her shoes as well, following Ender out to the backyard.

Valentine straightens her posture and adjusts her hair while I take off my shoes so as not to track dirt on their rug. I walk around and take a seat on the couch opposite her.

"How did things go with Peter?"

"Not very well."

"He really looks up to you, you know. He'd do anything."

"Then why did he play dumb?"

"A test. To see if you are who you say you are. And given that you're aware I'd say you passed."

"Yipee. Exactly what I've always wanted."

"And what do you want from me?"

"Cause political upheaval."


"Well, Valentine, I hate to be the one to tell you, but your younger brother has developed a small soft spot for the buggers."


"Exactly what I thought."

"They attacked us twice."

"Did they?"

Silence rang as Valentine tried to process my accusation.

"What do you mean?"

"You've seen the vids. A chopped up, propaganda version of them, but they were there nonetheless. It might be hard for a non-pilot to detect, but the flight patterns are different between the two attacks." Valentine immediately pulled out her desk and began looking up the vids. I allowed her to watch several of them.

"You're right."

"Of course I am. I fought in both invasions."

"They seem more... ah.. um.. less organized in the vids of the Second Invasion. The ships are massive. How many of them could fit on there?" You're catching on quickly. "They were less trained. Like they weren't expecting to fight."

"Good. That's exactly what it is. I believe those are colony ships."

"They don't actually want us dead?"

"Unknown. But they haven't attacked since. All monitoring shows no signs of an attack being prepared. What reason do they have?"

"So you're going to destroy the IF? And have me help you?"

"No. We're going to stop the IF from completely annihilating a species merely because we can't communicate."

"I thought all communication had been attempted?"

"All radio has. But not face to face under terms of peace."

"Is that what you're going to do?"

"Maybe. I mostly just don't want another unnecessary war. If Ender wants to do that there's no stopping him."

"So what then?"

"Unite Earth."

"Tall order."

"That's why I came to you. And Peter, I guess, but you and Ender are really impressive. Peter is... a character. I'm not sure I like him."

"Me neither. He's frighteningly ambitious. I'm glad you can see through him." I'm scared that I can relate to him and understand him, but go off I guess. "Why though?"

"Unite Earth?" Valentine nods.

"What reason is there?"

"You mean other than less war? I may or may not have made contact with one Intergalactic Alliance who may or may not be willing to admit Earth under its protection if and only if it is United." Valentine's eyes widen. "There's a whole slew of planets they will give to us to colonize as we see fit. We'd also be protected from attacks under their trade laws. It would give us access to the whole universe."

"That's exactly what Peter wants. A United Earth. He wants to control the masses." I nod. "And you're going to let him."

"Yes. He may be a cold hearted bitch, but he's a smart cold hearted bitch with ideas. He's going to incite forward progression whether we like it or not." Val nods thoughtfully.

"One more thing. How did you come into contact with aliens from an Intergalactic Alliance?"

"Mistake. They accidentally messaged us. Fortunately, they have very good translators." Valentine laughs.

"Alright then. I'll get to work causing political upheaval." I smile.

"It's not really upheaval. Just get people behind Ender. And call for peace with the formics."

"I'll do my best."

"Thank you," I say sincerely.

"If you and Ender believe it's best, then there's nothing I won't do to help."

"Good luck, Valentine." I stand up and shake her hand.

"Call me Val," she responds, shaking firmly and standing. She walks over to the back door and yells for Ender and Petra to come back.

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