Chapter 14: Just great..

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|There are some secrets which do not permit themselves to be told.|

Xander's Pov:

I reached the club early that day. I wanted to be over with it once for all. Chase and his group were already inside getting ready. He was smoking while the others were showing him some mask he can wear when he will fight.

I was really hoping that he wouldn't choose any of these because if he did so, he will have a broken face by the end of the night. The mask can protect his face but if i broke it while fighting with him, he can need stitches later. And so will my knuckles.

I went to Jason and he nodded at me like he always greet me.

"Hey man. Ready to fight?" Jason asked and i nodded.

"How many tonight?" I asked looking around. Beside chase there wasn't many other fighters.

"There was going to have 2 fights but one of them step out and want to fight the loser of your fights. He knows he will lose to you so he change his mind." Jason said and i chuckled.

"Good choice of him." I said and he nodded.

"You're up in 2 minutes." He said and i nodded.

We walked back to the room we dropped our bags and i changed in one of my hoodie.

I walked back to the ring and waited for Chase and like always he was too confident of himself.


Chase fought good but i was better. He was now on the ring floor spitting blood. The referee came and took him out and i was the winner. Lucky he didn't wore his mask and i only have some bruises on my face and ribs. I walked back to the back room and grabbed my stuffs.

I just want to go home now...

Chase might ask his group to fight me once i'm out of the club. He always do that and i always have to fight more. But tonight i wasn't in the mood to fight more.

I grabbed my bag and walked out. However i stopped abruntly in my track when i almost bump into someone. I looked down and was shocked to see who it was.

What the hell is she doing here!!!?

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked angrily. I looked past her shoulder and saw a pissed Chase talking to Evan. Evan nodded sternly to him and turn to the other boys in their group.


I didn't let her talk and grabbed her arm. I dragged her out with me and went through the back door. When we reached there, i mentally groaned because this way lead directly to an alley.

Just great!

I stopped walking and turned to her. She looked confused to why i was dragging her out.

"Why are you here alone?" I asked sternly.

"I-i'm not alone. My friends are here too." She said her eyes fixed on my cheeks.

"You need to go back to them. You can't be seen with me." I said and she frowned at me.

"What do you mean Xander?" She asked confused.

"You need to go back to your friends Alaïa. It isn't safe here with me." I try to explain to her without giving her much details but deep down i know she won't understand till i tell her everything. But what she said next surprised me.

"Xander i don't care about that. You're bleeding!" She said looking at my face. She reached out to cup my face but i stopped her midway by grabbing her hands.

"No you need to leave." I said face stone cold and she just stared at me.

"Fine." She snapped as she took her hands away from mine. She turned to leave by going the same way i dragged her here and i immediately stopped her.

"No not here go through the main door." I said but she glared at me.

"What if i want to go through this one?" She asked and i sighed.

"Then i will freaking carry to the main door." I threatened and she chuckled.

"Right." She said and walked passed me.

She's too stubborn!

I grabbed her arm and pulled her on me. I hissed in pain when her elbow touched my ribs. She immediately turned and looked at me.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly? She was worried about me? She should be scare of me...

"Yeah i'm good. Just listen to me and go through the main door." I pleaded and she sighed.

"Why can't you just tell me everything already?" She asked frustrated.

"We don't have time right now Alaïa. I will tell you but not now. Just listen to me and go to your friends." Just when i say that, i heard voices and someone trying to open the door.


I grabbed Alaïa's hand again and dragged her to the corner to hide behind a wall.

Alaïa's pov:

Xander dragged me again to the alley's corner and hide behind the wall. He wasn't telling me anything about what's happening. His nose was bleeding and his lips were cut. I know his ribs were broken too because when i accidently hit my elbow in it,he hissed in pain.

"What's happ-" a gasped escaped my lips when my back touched the wall behind me and Xander had his hand covering my mouth. In simple words i was sandwiched between him and the wall.

He kept staring me in the eyes and for some reason my heart started racing. He didn't say anything or do anything. It was like he was lost in his own thoughts.

However, when he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard voices.

"He need to be here. He can't go that fast. Find him and bring him to me!"

The voice was oddly familiar but i couldn't guess who it was. Xander peaked from the wall, his hand still on my mouth. He turned to me and removed his hand.

"Sorry. But i need to go before they come here. Stay hidden and it will be better if you do not peak at all." He said as if he was scared i would be scared of him. I wanted to ask him what he was going to do but i already had an idea about what it was. So i simply nodded at him.

Hopefully he doesn't hurt himself worst when he come back.


Love ya

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