Chapter 12: Xander's Pov

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|Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful|

Xander's pov:

Time passed by quickly and i was making my way to the library. I didn't have class with any of the East Grove and i was grateful for that.

The fact that Evan saw me with Alaïa can be very dangerous for her. I know what i'm talking about. Chase Denegan wasn't my enemie for anything. The fact that my sister got into his trap the first year and the damage was heartbreaking. I lost my sister while he gained the title of innocent.

"Well hi there."

I stopped in my track and immediately recognised the voice. I turned back and was met with Chase and his group, Evan along with him. They made their way towards me.

"So i heard you find your new girl?" Chase asked smirking.

"I'm surprise that someone was able to cop with you." He added when i didn't response. They weren't going to get any reaction from me. I need to pretend that i don't know Alaïa at all.

"Should have seen the chemistry between the two. The girl didn't fall for my charm." Evan said making a sad face.

Charm my ass!

"It must be serious between you two since she seems loyal. Who was it again?" Chase asked Evan faking ignorance.

"Oh the new girl. You know the one we talked about." Evan said smirking. This got my attention and i looked at them.

"Oh that one. Yeah she seems good for me right?" Chase asked clearly enjoying getting a reaction from me.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Danne, one of their player asked.

"He's probably thinking about the girl. Anyway Where is she? I need to talk to her." Chase said clearly wanting another reaction from me.

"In the cafeteria." Danne replied almost immediately.

I clentched my fist as i looked at them. They were watching her every movement and they were keeping a record on her.

That's messed up..

"You won't do anything to her." I said firmly and he raised an eye brow.

"And may i know why? For all i know she maybe as naive as your little sister." He smirked. He knows how to get on my nerves. I wanted to punch him but i know that's what he want. To provoke me and make me punch the hell out of him. This way the team will be out of the finals. But i'm never letting that happen.

"I won't let you do anything to her. And even if you try anything coach will be pleased to put your team out." I said and he chuckled.

"Do you think i'm stupid? I won't attack first but you will." He stated confidently.

"We'll see about that Denegan." I said and he shrugged.

"Watch her back since she doesn't really know who we are. She might come with us you'll never know." He said and i glared at him.

"I'll made sure this never happen Denegan. See you at the club." I said refering to our fight tonight.

"I'm definitly going to beat your ass  Sinclair." He said and his friends chuckled.

"Last time you said that your friend took a bloody you home." I smirked.

"Let's the time tell will ya?" He said before leaving. I sighed and made my way to the library. However on my way, i saw Grayson and Tyler the one that stays with Alaïa and the other girls. They were by their locker.

I probably should warn them so that they watch over her and i won't be seen around her.

I walked toward them and when they noticed me they stopped talking.

"I need to talk to you two." I said and they nodded confused.

"Everything's good?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah it's not about practise. But more about your friends." I said.

"It's about the East Grove right?" Grayson asked and i nodded.

"I already warn them about the East Grove. They know that they can't be trusted." Grayson said and i was relieved that at least the other knew about him.

"That's good but the fact that Denegan just confirm me that he was targeting Alaïa is no good. He can be really stupid but his friends aren't. They will help him in his doings. So just be careful with the girls." I said straight to the point and they nodded.

"He is seriously targeting Alaïa?" Tyler asked worried.

"Yeah. Alaïa and i had a project and he saw her with me. He thought she was with me and now they are after her." I shortened the story and they sighed.

"we'll look after them. Don't worry." Grayson said and i nodded.

Guess they are good..

"That's good. I gotta go now see you later at practise." I said and they nodded. I left them and went to the library where i'll be spending my lunch time.

I walked in and as usual it was empty and silent. I sat at the back and took out my earphones and mobile phone.

Alaïa's pov:

It's been already 10 minutes since lunch started and both Tyler and Grayson weren't here yet.

"So did anyone of you decide where to go tonight?" Hailey asked and both Adelisa and i shake our head no.

"Honestly i forgot about it." Adelisa sighed.

"Well it's our first friday night in this town. We need to visit around." Hailey said pouting.

"Yeah but where to go? We barely know around." I said and she sighed.

"Well we can ask Grayson." Adelisa suggested.

"Only if he wants to come." I said.

"He is coming so let's ask him." Hailey said looking behind me. I turned around and saw the boys coming our way.

"Hey girls." Grayson said as he sat down.

"What are you talking about?" He asked looking at us.

"Well it's friday night today and we want to go out." Hailey said.

"What? Where do you want to go?" Tyler asked.

"That's the thing we don't know around so we can't decide." I said and Grayson chuckled.

"That can be arranged. I am free tonight so we can go together. How about the cinema?" Grayson asked making Hailey smiled widely.

"That's cool." I agreed.

Better be at a cinema that be at home doing nothing.

"Alright then. I already know where you live so i will come there by at 7" Grayson said and we nodded.

"It better not be some romantic movie. I don't want to be in a cinema room were everyone is crying over a small kiss pretending it's cute." Tyler said and we chuckled.

"It is cute." Hailey added.

"Really? Then why do the same people call it gross when two teenager kiss in public?" Tyler asked but no one answered.

"That's what i though." He said smugly.


Love ya

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