Chapter 2: Xander

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|A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall|

Alaïa's pov:

Grayson really helped us to find our way around. He even show us around and told us about different things that we needed to know.

One of them was that this school has a rival and that it was the East Grove. This school and the East Grove didn't get along at all. They always fight and get into troubles. This year there will be a live soccer match. This will boost sponsors for the schools and will helped however win the soccer match to become a well trained player.Let us say due to this there will be more competition between them.

We also learned that our team captain was Xander Sinclair. He is a good player and each year he helped the team to score more. However, Grayson told us that he doesn't really like to make friends. He stay alone and some guys were scared of him. He has the typical badboy title. Grayson told us that he despies the East Grove school captain Chase Denegan. They were big enemies.

"Xander once has his twin sister Claudia coming to this school but after a few months we didn't saw her. And that's when Xander become distant." Grayson explained

"Wow. This school surely is something else." Adelisa said and Grayson chuckled.

"I think i will join the team i'm not sure if they will let me through." Tyler said.

Tyler was a good soccer player at our old school. He wasn't the captain but he was good.

"One more thing. Rumours are spread really quick here so beware. And we also have  Cynthia, the head cheerleader. She is a real bitch and a bully sometimes. She likes to tell everyone about her and Xander being close but we all know it's fake. Xander may be a soccer captain but he will never pay attention to Cynthia." He said.

"Ok noted. Stay away from Xander Sinclair or get bullied by Cynthia... whatever her surname is." Hailey said nodding to herself.

"Don't worry of Cynthia if she try anything i will protect you." Grayson winked at Hailey who blushed lightly. Tyler gagged making Adelisa and i to laugh.

The bell rang telling us that lunch was over and we stood up. We seperated and went to our class. Thank to Grayson we knew our way around now.

I went in the back and sat down. The class slowly filled in and a guy sat beside me. He didn't talk or do anything. He just sat down and looked around. He was really well built and cute too. His hair was dirty blonde and he had blue eyes.

"That's my seat."

I turned and saw a girl wearing a crop top (more like a bra top) and a skirt. She was glaring at me.

"I don't see your name anywhere." I replied dryly and she raises an eyebrow.

"No need to have my name on anything since everyone know it's mine." She screeches.

All that scene for a seat..

"Well i didn't know so...." i trailed off and she looked red. She was definitly angry.

"Let her sit here Cynthia. There are other places you can sit." The boy next to me said and my eyes widened.

So she is Cynthia.... damn!

"But Xander you know i usually sit beside you." She frowned and once again i was shocked.

He was Xander!!!!

"Exactly. So you can change and let her sit beside me." He stated dryly and Cynthia glared at me. She looked once again at Xander before walking away and that's when i noticed everyone looking at us..

Well shit...

"Ok everyone settle down."

The teacher walked in and everyone remained silent. She started her classes and i try to follow it.


Mid way of the lesson, everyone was doing their own stuff ignoring the teacher. She wasn't even looking whether anyone was following or not.

I glanced at my left and saw Xander drawing. He was completely focus on his drawing and damn he was good at it.

"Nice drawing." I said lowly so that the teacher doesn't hear me and Xander looked up at me.

"Thanks." He replied dryly before continuing to draw.

He really doesn't like to make friends...

"I'm Alaïa." I introduce myself and he looked at me again.

"Xander." He replied.

Way to end a conversation...

I remained silent and try to follow the lesson. However everything was messed up. I couldn't understand what the teacher was explaining and i sighed.

I felt something being thrown on me and when i looked down i saw a crushed paper. Someone whistle and i looked beside Xander to see another two boys.

I opened the crushed paper and saw that they write something.

What's your number sexy? Wanna hang out after school? My place?

Freaking jerks

I crushed the paper again and throw it at the girl infront of them. She turned around and pick the paper up. She smiled and turned toward the boy who sent it. The boy glared at me before starting to talk with her.

Poor her... but she seems to like him.. so she is good..

I looked back at the teacher and saw that she wrote some notes on the board. I started to write them in my notebook and after a few more minutes the bell rang.

I packed up all my stuffs and started to make my way to the door only to be stopped by these two boys.

"That's not cool. The notes were for you." One said.

"Not interested." I stated dryly before walking past them but the other one grabbed my arm.

"But we are interested and this offer won't be open for long." He smirked and i rolled my eyes.

"Then close it because you aint getting anything." I said.

"Burn!" A guy behind me screamed.

"Look girl we are being nice to you. Dont make us regret it." One threatened.

Sorry boy but my dad taught me to punch so keep the threat away...

I was about to talk to tell him but then another voice cut in.

"Let her go Flin. She's clearly not interested." Xander said walking to us. He just keep looking at Flin and the latter let my arm free. Just like that.

"Sorry." Flin grinded between his teeth. He walked away with his other friend and when i turned back to thank Xander- even if he didn't had to do much- he was already gone.

Guess another time then...

I walked out and went near my locker where i was suppose to me the others.


Love ya

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