Always And Forever! - Epilogue

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One fine morning...........

The sun rays are disturbing Reyansh's sleep. He frowns for not getting enough sleep for the past few days.

There are some last minute preparations for the launch of another new branch. He has been very hectic for him to handle.

He tries to open his but immediately closes due to brightness of light. After adjusting to the light he completely opens his eyes.

The frown is replaced with a smile on his face seeing the sight in front of him.

His one and half year old daughter is sleeping on his chest inside in shirt peeping her head out from his T-shirt neckline.

He gently strokes her hair and places a kiss on her temple.

After few minutes........

Sanisha comes to their bedroom and slowly pulls their daughter out of his shirt and places her on her crib.

'From the time she came into this world she occupied my place.' she mutters to herself but Reyansh heard her and chuckles.

Then she occupies her place to sleep again which is - her head on his chest and her hands around his torso, as it is Sunday.

She is still irritated about the happenings. He chuckles and slowly lifts her head placing his hands on chin and helped her to look into his eyes.

She is lost in his eyes yet again. Taking this as the opportunity he kisses her.

The kiss was slow at first but later it turned into hunger and passionate kiss.

They both missed each other. Both are busy in their own works.

Even though they spend their nights with each other, they missed each other.

That slow kiss turned into a passionate make out session.

After few minutes....... (probably 45 minutes later...... or so...)

Both are cuddling with each other.

Hair messed up, Reyansh is only in his track pant, Sanisha's is completely spoiled.

Reyansh keeps stroking her hair ......

"Where is Sparsh?" He asks Sanisha.

"You gotta be kidding me. Your son has not come home since yesterday and you don't even know that. " she tells him in a angry tone.

He scratches his nape innocently.

"What to do? I'm very busy with my Queen and princess. " he tells her.

She sighs.

"By the way.... where did he go?" He Asks her.

"You really don't know where he went or you are just trying to act infront of me?" She irritated.

"Okay okay I understood...." he tells her.

"What do you think about them?" He Asks her.

"What's there to think?" She asks him back.

"They are just kids, once they grow up we can see what to do with them." She again tells him.

In their 10 years of marriage they are having 2 kids. Sparsh, their elder son who is 8 years old and Muskaan their younger daughter, just one and half year old. She is the apple of Reyansh's eyes.

Sparsh takes after Sanisha in looks but when it comes to behaviour it is completely Reyansh. Over protective, caring, possessive and a lot more. The best quality that he took after his father is loving his mother unconditionally. He is completely Mama's boy.

Muskaan is xerox copy of Reyansh expect for her eyes. She got her mother's eyes (brown orbs). That is one of the reasons why her father loves her a lot more than required. She is his princess.

Reyansh enjoys spoiling their kids. That's where the strict mother comes in.

Reyansh is the lenient parent where as Sanisha is the strict one.

After Sparsh, Sanisha decided to dedicate her entire time to her son. She took long leave from her position. She goes to hospital only if there is an emergency.

But after Muskaan she stopped going. She enjoys spending time with her kids, cooking for them, waiting for her husband to come home.

Reyansh tried to convince her to join back but she is adamant that she doesn't want to miss their kids' childhood. She keeps on says that once they both grow up then she will join back.

Now let's come to Sparsh........

He is a well mannered boy all thanks to Sanisha or else he would be a spoil brat because of his father.

He has a bestest of the best friend Rishika.

When he was 2 years old Rishika was just born child then.

She is the younger daughter of Ishita (Sanisha's best friend and also colleague from hospital).

When he saw her for the first time, he named himself as her best friend forever and ever.

He wouldn't leave her even for a minute also. She could be very difficult for both the mothers.

Now he is 8 where as she is 6. They are inseparable.

He very protective of her. Gives her everything she wants and she also treats him as same.

She will cling onto him like no tomorrow. He spends most of the time in their home itself. He will have sleepovers. He even has his own wardrobe there. He doesn't leave a chance to be with her.

As it is Sunday, he didn't even bother to come to his home.  He spends his whole day their itself.

If he couldn't go to their home then she comes and visits him.

Their parents also decided that if they continue to be like this and doesn't change anything between them then they could marry each other off.

Reyansh and Sanisha's life is a bliss with their kids and everything is perfect for them. They do fight for small small thing but they would make up with in one hour. They couldn't be angry on each other for a long time.

If they argument was big then they would make up in big way. (I think you people understood what I was indicating).

Let's see what future has in store for both SPARSH and RISHIKA.

***THE END***


Greetings Everyone!!!!

With this the book is completed.

And I would like to thank all of you for choosing this book to read and spend your time on it.

I hope you people enjoyed reading.


-From Peppermint_Kisses27

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