Always And Forever! - Part 4

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Next day morning......

Feeling a sharp pain in her abdomen, Sanisha gets up from her sleep and finds herself in her husband arms safely. She felt very safe in his embrace and doesn't want to get up from there but that pain is killing her.

So, she slowly tries to get up from his grip but fails. After n number of tries she is finally able to get out of his grip.

She rushes to the washroom and finds that her monthly cycle is started.

Don't know what's the difference but this time the pain is too much to bare May be because all the crying or the stress. The pain is just killing her. She to goes near her toiletries to find pads but there are none.

'Great! Just great!!!!' She thought.

She carefully comes to take medicines at least to lessen the pain. When she comes out she a red patch on the bed sheet of their bed.

'What the hell am I suppose to do now?? If Reyansh sees that it will be hell embarrassing. How can I be so careless??' She thinks.

And first she decides to take the medication and then decide what to do with the bed sheet and pads.

She goes near her tables and takes the tablet and gulps it with water . After some time the pain reduces.

She comes near their bed and sees that Reyansh is still sleeping so for now she decides to think about how to get pads.

Even maid is on leave today. She doesn't understand what to do. She can't go and get for herself in this position.

'Are you really a doctor' her brain mocks her.

'What the hell?' She shouts at her brain.

'Hey! Tell me the truth you cheated in your exams right!?' Again her brain taunts.

'How can you be so careless being a doctor I still don't understand. Every time mum used to save you. Now what will you do. It's your regular habit of not checking your toiletries. ' her brain smirks at her.

She doesn't reply cuz she knows that today is her mistake only.

'I really want to see what you will do now. Cuz I ran out off ideas to give you. Your left with only one option. ' her brain again speaks.

'What is it' she asks her brain.

'Take help from Reyansh ' her brain speaks.

'What?????' Sanisha shouts. Which makes Reyansh to get up from his sleep.

'Now the ball is in your court. And also there is no other option left. Either you bleed the whole day sitting in the bathroom or ask help from Reyansh. ' her brain.

'But how can I ask him that help. ' she reply's to her brain sadly.

'From when did you became this old fashioned girl.. feeling shy to talk about her monthly cycle' mocks her brain.

'I am not . It's just ......' yes she is feeling shy to speak about her problem with her husband.

Reyansh gets up from his sleep and watches her weird expressions.

He understands that she is having an inner battle with herself about something.

After sometime he understood that she wants to speak with him but unable to speak or not even looking into his eyes.

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