Acrostic: Walter W. Smith, Jr. My Brother, an Alzheimer Story

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Walter W. Smith, Jr. My Brother

An Alzheimer's Story

©Olan L. Smith, May 4th 2019 (My brother's birthday)

Walt is lost, in his mind, without

A sense of time, where the memories

Lost forever, and are forgotten

The moment they occur; a paradox.

Enemies around every turn,

Remembering dead people who

Walk with him, and then

Suddenly, Walt slips back into today,

Mom is gone, Grandma too.

In the depths of the extant where

Tangles block and tackle thoughts;

Herald the facts, what facts?

Jimmy open the door for a peak,

Retreat into the darkness, petrified.

My brother's mind was systematic;

Yet, in disorder, he tries to

Bring order to bedlam; where is Grandma?

Remember back when you saw her last,

Olan? I replied, at the funeral home, Walt.

That can't be I saw her yesterday. We

Had her over for Sunday dinner.

Even now, I am in her home; verify,

Recall that I'm correct. Where is Mom?

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