(1)All Hope Lost

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Izuku POV

I shot the villain in the leg and then in the head. I watched as he went down and stopped breathing. A hero would be arriving soon so I packed up my sniper and put it in its case. I jumped off the rooftop and landed on my feet. 

So your probably wondering what's going well let's start at the beginning. 

1 year earlier

"I'm sorry kid you can't become a hero without a quirk."

My heart shattered my hero had told me the one thing I didn't want to hear I wanted him to smile and say sure you can, anything is possible but that wasn't the case. But soon my sadness was replaced with anger. I jumped off the rooftop and landed on my feet even though it was high I always land on my feet. I just walked away but I pasted gun shop in the showcase there was a sniper it was like it was taunting me, after looking at it for a second I started to walk home. 

When I got there I when to my room and the first thing I did was take down my All Might posters I put my figures in a box, thinking I could sell them for something. I took the cover off and stuffed into the garbage. Now my room had nothing even related to all might. I changed my cover to pure black ones and puts all my hero analysis journals on one shelf while putting books in the others I looked around my room it looked completely different. I laid on my bed thinking about what to do. I knew all might was right but I don't want to accept it, maybe I should.

That was all a man needed: HOPE 

it was the lack of hope that discouraged a man.


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