Chapter Twenty Four

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"They are here!" Allie exclaimed excitedly, wrenching open the front door herself instead of waiting for the butler to do so, and racing out to meet the carriage. She heard Richard laugh behind her, but didn't care to check her behaviour for there was nothing wrong with being excited to see one's siblings.

Nate stepped out of the carriage and helped Emily out. Emily was holding little Alexander, but Allie was entirely focused on her brother, whom she hadn't ever been parted from for so long with barely any correspondence.

She threw herself into Nate's arms the moment they were free, and he lifted her about a foot off the ground, spinning her about as she laughed wildly. She knew that she was probably causing her future household to believe that she was a silly little girl, but she could not bring herself to care, not when it was to do with Nate.

Finally, he set her down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and she tore herself away from him to embrace Emily, who had just escaped Cassandra's embrace. Careful not to crush Alexander, Allie reached out and wrapped an arm loosely around her sister-in-law before kissing her cheek, while Nate and Cassandra embraced for ages.

After all the necessary greetings and after they had all finished fawning over Alexander, all of them retired to the parlour for some refreshments. Alexandra had recommended lemonade instead of tea, a suggestion that Kit was certainly in favour of.

A sleeping Alexander was in his father's arms and, she had to admit, it was a little odd seeing Nate look after a baby. She had no doubt he was a wonderful father, but it was a slight shock to her to see her brother as a responsible caregiver to an infant.

"Are you almost done with wedding planning?" Emily asked curiously, taking a sip of her tea. Nate and Emily had been the first to have an invitation sent to them, along with a long letter from Allie telling them how excited she was.

"The wedding is in two weeks, so there is barely anything left to decide." Allie explained, exchanging a small smile with Richard at the mention of their wedding. He'd been more wonderful as a fiance than she ever could have expected, and she had no doubt that their life together would be equally wonderful. "Apart from little things like the colour of the drapes in the ballroom for the reception, there isn't much left for us to plan."

They spent a little longer discussing the wedding, but Emily and Cassie exchanged a look and Emily expressed that she was exhausted from travel and wished to retire to her room for a while, if Cassandra and Allie would accompany her.

They left Alex with Nate, who seemed comfortable enough. Allie was confused as she followed her sisters upstairs, to the chamber that had been prepared for Emily. Her things were already inside and, moments after the three of them sat down, she learned the reason for this colloquy.

"Allie, Emily and I thought that, before the wedding, it would be prudent to talk with you about your wedding night." Cassandra began, and Allie immediately blanched, shuddering at the thought of having this conversation with her sisters.

"I don't think that would be necessary." She informed them in a small voice, a little awkwardly. "I know how it works."

"Do you now?" Cassandra asked, clearly amused. Emily was the first to break the silence that soon followed, as she began giggling, loudly and almost uncontrollably.

"I told you we probably wouldn't have to." Emily said to Cassie, who soon joined in the laughter. Ridiculous as the situation was, Allie found that she had to too. The three women were soon embroiled in a fit of laughter that only extended every time any of them looked at the others.

After they had sobered up, however, Allie hesitated for a moment before she said, "I do have one question, though— will it hurt?"

Cassandra and Emily exchanged an awkward yet amused glance, before Cassie answered her question, "The first time will be painful. But every time after that will be pleasurable. That I can say for certain." She said with a devilish smile, and Allie grimaced at the thought of her sister making such a joke.

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