Chapter Sixteen

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In the time since they'd last danced, Allie had nearly forgotten just how marvellous a dancer Richard was.

He danced with a graceful elegance, and she felt as if she was floating as he led her through the waltz, the steps feeling effortless. With the ease with which he danced, she found she was actually able to make conversation and enjoy herself, which she normally was not able to do with most dance partners. It was a joy to dance with someone who enjoyed it as much she.

"If I ask you something, would you promise to try your best to answer without wringing my neck?" Richard asked, with a quirked eyebrow.

"On my life." She swore, with a little laugh. There was nothing he could ask her that she would not be able to answer.

"On one of the first occasions we met, there was a certain gentleman you encountered, and the sight of him seemed to shock you." Oh dear, anything but that. "When you conversed with him, you seemed almost hurt. May I ask, who was he?"

"Must I answer?" Allie asked rhetorically, with a deep sigh. She did not mind telling him for she had an oddly high level of trust in him, but the memories still weighed rather heavily on her.

"Only if you wish to." Richard said with a short laugh at her dramatics.

"Alright, then." She gave in, rather easily, exhaling quickly before allowing the words rush out, "His name is Edgar Bennett. I met him last year, at a ball Nate allowed me to attend. I was incredibly naive and unused to the ways of the ton and of gentlemen in general. I fancied myself in love with him- I think, at one point, I truly did love him- and he told me he loved me as well. I was deliriously happy at the time, and expected him to make an offer at any time. Then, at a party, I found him in a shadowy corridor with another young lady and they were doing something you can well imagine."

She paused for a long moment, blinking back tears, and Richard's hand tightened on her waist as he bent down to whisper soothingly into her ear, "Hush, love, you needn't say more than you can. I am sorry for making you sad."

"No, I think I ought to say it. It might make me feel better." Allie told him and, sensible as he was, Richard simply nodded, giving her time to speak. "She, poor creature, was rather embarrassed and left quickly. He did not apologise for his behaviour but, rather, justified it by saying she was in possession of a larger dowry than I. He then said that, while I was pretty, he did not love me. Then, because I did not leave immediately, he thought I would try persuading him to reconsider. H-he propositioned me and said he would consider making me an offer anyway of I proved to possess certain talents."

"What?" Richard demanded, and his fury was clear in his gaze. She had never seen him in such a state of anger before, and it touched her that it was on her behalf.

"I haven't ever told anyone the full story before." She confessed, embarrassed as one tear slipped down her cheek, only to be hastily wiped away by Richard before it had even reached halfway to her chin. She was sure there were many others who were staring for it was clear that, while they were dancing, they were more engrossed in their conversation. "I always stopped at the part about the dowry. Persuading Nate against murdering him was difficult enough with simply that. I don't want to know how badly the situation would have escalated if I'd told anyone else the rest of it."

She adored Nate and she missed him now that he could not be here, but her brother was often an impulsive hothead and certainly would have taken matters into his own hands had she told him of such an occurrence happening.

"But you told me." Richard muttered, the tone of his voice sending a shiver down her spine. "Why?"

"Because I trust you." She admitted simply, because the answer was just that. She trusted him in a way she had never trusted anyone before. She trusted him as someone who was her equal, not as an authority figure, which was what her siblings were to her because they had always been protective of her. In fact, they had all but raised her. "And you are my friend."

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