A Different Boy [Part 1]

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I basically throw my books down onto my desk sighing; I had to spend another gym class watching everyone from the sidelines. Normally I hate gym class but today we had an assessment and now I have to do a written assignment instead just to get my marks.
"You look furious?" Vince picks up one of my books that had slid off my desk and onto the floor.
"Pregnancy's getting in the way of my education." I shrug and he laughs.
"Well I don't know about you but I think that we should take a break from all this school stress and catch a movie?" What is it with boys and movies nowadays? Oh well more popcorn for me (and the baby).
"Whatcha have in mind?"
"That new one everyone's been talking about. Seems cool?"
"Oooh uh well I've already seen it." This could go south very quickly... I don't think he knows about my date with Blake.
"How? It literally came out a few days ago and at an expensive price!" I sigh.
"Blake took me to see it on our date." Well like I said I didn't actually watch any of it but I found it on YouTube the morning after and watched it then. Vince doesn't need to know all that of course.
"Damn!" Now he looks pissed," I wanted to be the one who got to dating you first."
"We're not a thing if that's what you're concerned about. It was just one date." I see the tension release from his muscles.
"So it's ok if I ask you out?" I roll my eyes and get up to give him a hug if only to clam his nerves but also because he smells so damn good!
"I'd love to Vince." I whisper in his ear. He squeezes me tighter.
"Sure thing Sweets." He whispers back.

I wait under a tree in the Botanical Gardens as Vince asked. I see him and jog over to help him carry...
"Oh gosh! Are we moving into the Gardens? You have enough stuff there to make a house." I hear a laugh under a pile of blankets, chairs, a picnic basket and a few other things.
"Wanted to make sure that you're gonna be comfortable Sweets."
"And why's that? You still haven't told me why we're here." I say grabbing the basket and one of the blankets.
"Oh yeah we're here to watch a movie."
"In the Gardens. Not what I expected from a hacker-geek." He drops the load when we reach the spot. A big white screen spanning the majority of the open field.
"I'll admit it's a little outta my comfort zone but I had to do a step up on that Ashton." I bite my lip and stare blankly at him.
"I hope the two of you know that I'm not just some prize to be won." He flinches.
"Shit. Julie I really didn't mean it like that. Sorry." His ears turn red.
"It's fine. Let's get this all set up shall we?" Changing the subject seems to snap him out of embarrassment.
"Don't stress yourself about it I've got it covered." He says ushering me to the side.
"Oh no you don't. I'm pregnant not useless. Now hand me that chair." He kisses me on the forehead and passes the foldout chair to me.
"Very well your highness." He winks.
"Cheap shot peasant." I giggle.

Although it's cold out with all the blankets and Vince's arm around me I feel warm. It's different compared to my date with Blake. I know I'm not supposed to be thinking about another guy while on a date but I can't help it. Blake is forward and direct where as Vince seems to build up the romance in a sweet but confident way. I rest my head on Vince's shoulder and he starts playing with my hair.
"You're probably gonna think I'm such an idiot for not saying this earlier but you look drop-dead gorgeous Sweets." My cheeks heat up.
"Even In jeans?" He tilts my chin, making me look at his ice-blue eyes.
"Especially in jeans but if I'm being completely honest I'd prefer you without." He plants a kiss on my lips making them tingly as he pulls away.
"Without?" I practically squeak. He turns back to the movie (completely different to the one I went to see with Blake).
"Hmmm yes." He grins, eyes still on the screen and I'm glad for it. Not because of what he said but because of how he said it. His soft growling out the words is enough to make my body shiver with anticipation. Wherever this evening is gonna go I sure as hell am curious to find out!

Shoutout to PurpleWitch24 for all her amazing ideas for this chapter and the next one🥳 Pls go read her awesome story: A stranger once told me

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Shoutout to PurpleWitch24 for all her amazing ideas for this chapter and the next one🥳 Pls go read her awesome story: A stranger once told me...

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