On The Inside

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"Mom I'm home." I call out. I know she'll be here but somethings we just do out of habit. Mom works from home for this hipster gin bar. I'm not really sure what her specific occupation is since she does a bit of everything but I suppose we can call her a work-from-organizer.
"In the kitchen Julie." Her voice echos off the walls. Our house is unnecessarily big and spacious.
"I made waffles for lunch. I hope you haven't lost your taste for them?" She gives me a typical mom hug.
"Sure if I can have them with anchovies and syrup?"
"Julie you don't even like anchovies! And to combine them with syrup; have you lost your mind?"
I'm about to make a clever retort when the heavenly smell of waffles hits me. Then it happens:
Parents-Sunday-waffles— - -"Mom! Dad!"-Blood everywhere- - -Happy- - -Scared-Alone- - - - -

I wake up on the floor with my back against the cold wall in a sitting position. Having Episodes like this is normal for me. I'm not sure why I have them but they've been around since I was a kid. Mom gives me these pink vitamins for them; they disappear for about 2 weeks or so but every time they happen I need to go see Dr Kruger; my therapist. Dr Kruger says it's triggered by childhood traumas but I've never had any. Well none that I know of; if I'd gone through anything surely Mom would've told me about it because it probably would be something she's gone through as well.
"Are you ok Honey?" She checks me for any sign of bruising,"what about the baby?"
"Ugh. I think we're fine. Hand me my phone and I'll arrange an appointment just to make sure." I rest my hand on my stomach. It's to soon to tell if everything is alright via my baby's movements since I'm only 4 months; so going to the doctor is the wisest decision.
"Don't be silly Julie. I'll ring Dr Kruger and set up a slot with the gynecologist. You should go rest. And don't even think about going to school tomorrow; you need to take care of yourself." She helps me up and I go to my room.

I text Danae; so that she won't freak out tomorrow when I don't show.
Hey Danae. I'm not coming tomorrow. Had another episode. Going to doc.
As usual she texts back immediately.
U ok?! I'm coming over!
I let out an awkward laugh; it's nice that she's willing to drop everything for me but she doesn't have to. She has her own life to live; I don't want her to act like she has to be at my beck and call.

I grab my scooter keys and excuse myself from debating

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I grab my scooter keys and excuse myself from debating. I hate to leave especially since Jemma Prinsloo is on my team today but Julie needs me. Jemma's one of our star students and is basically destined to be a prefect next year. I wish I could be like her; more accurately I want to be in her click. I turn around and tap her on the shoulder.
"Hey Jemma do you think I could come over to yours or you can come to mine; so that I can catch up?"
Jeez I'm so nervous!
"Uh yeah sure. Just gimme your number," she says and I type my digits in her phone (it's the latest iPhone)," Danae? I'll text you when I'm free."
"Of course thanks!" I say way to excitedly and exit the class. I hope this gets me into her group. I really love my cousin but being her only friend can be really depressing. I'm the one who always has to be there for her and if-just for once- I'm not there for her then it makes me feel awful. It's been the two of us for so long that neither of us has any other friends. Well I guess you could say that ever since she became preggers Vince and Blake are her new friends but then I still only have her. None of those boys pay any attention to me or so much look in my direction even when I'm right next to her.

I knock on her bedroom door and enter.
"That was quick." She pats a spot on her bed and I make myself comfortable.
"There was no traffic. How are you? How's the baby?"
"Fine as far as I know." Great now I've come all this way just to find out that she's perfectly fine. I could've been putting my head together with Jemma working on the presentation for our debating competition but no. I'm stuck here baby-mamma-sitting. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. It's Jemma! She kept her word.
Danae you can come over on Friday afternoon. Also if you don't have plans (which I know you don't) wear something cute cuz we're gonna party!
Ouch but AWESOME! She invited me to a party.
Cool! I'll be there.
"You look ecstatic. Who was it?" My cousin peers curiously at my phone. She's up in my business again.
"A friend."
"A friend?"
"What am I not allowed to have friends other than you?"
"Wow ok."
I get up,"I'm getting a drink." Jeez is it so wrong to want her to not be involved with every aspect of my life?
Maybe I was rude but ya know it's like that whole necessary evil thing. Isn't it?

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