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I don't know anything about love.

I don't exactly know the way it feels. I don't exactly know what makes you think you love that person with all your heart. I don't exactly know why you think you need to live the rest of your life with someone who used to be a stranger to you.

But what I do know is that I can't live without a girl whose name is Victoria. I'd be damned if anything ever happens to her. I don't think I'll ever get the chance to move on if she ever leaves me.

And that's why, I'm praying so hard at the moment. For her to make it. For her to fight. For her to survive this battle. So that she would stay. So that she wouldn't leave me.

I've never felt this way with any other girl that has came into my way before. That's why I know she is special. That's how I know I love her. So much.

I paced around the room with sweat all over my body even though the air conditioner is turned on. I can't stay still. I feel so anxious and troubled. Everything around me is muffled, it's like I'm the only person in this hall.

All of a sudden I felt someone touched my shoulder from behind me. "Son." Caleb called me, making me snapped out of my daze. I turned around to look at him and he offered me a smile.

"Come sit with us." I could only nod. He took me by the hand and pulled me with him towards Mikayla and Jackson who are sitting on the joined seating chairs. We sat down and I stared into spaces.

"She'll make it." Mikayla spoke out, successfully getting my attention. I looked at her questionably.

"How do you know?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, "She is a strong girl."

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Jackson sigh. I turned my attention back to Mikayla. "She is." I agreed with her. A sudden glimpse of hope made its way to my heart. Maybe she's right. Maybe my love will make it.

After what felt like forever of me sitting on the same spot, the door to the operation room slid open automatically. The doctors came out and Caleb, Mikayla, Cara, Brian and I went towards them. All with hopes. Jackson sat still in his place, not even looking at the direction of the doctors.

We didn't ask anything, our faces have done it for us. The doctor who stood in front of all the others stared at us with a straight face. I guess he's the leader. My Adam's apple bopped up and down, waiting for him to speak up.

After a moment, he sighed and looked downward. Then he looked up to meet our eyes again, and told us the words that made all of us a sobbing mess.


I'm in my office. These days, I've been drowning myself with nothing but work. A lot of companies are trying to make deals with me, and it tires me to no end. I can barely have time for myself. Like yesterday, I could only sleep for two hours. That's how much my job is killing me right now.

As I was tapping furiously onto the keyboard, someone knocked on the door to my office. I let out an exasperated sigh and mumbled a 'come in'. Mike, my personal assistant, opened the door and walked in. I didn't bother to look at him as he spoke out, "Sir, Mr. Daugherty is here to see you."

"I'm busy." I said curtly.

"But he told me that he has some important news to tell you and he needs to see you right now."

I stopped working and finally looked at him in the eyes, "Well, tell him to fuck off because I'm not in the mood to deal with his bullsh-"

"My, my, that's not very nice, is it?" A playful voice cut me off. I looked behind Mike and saw Brant walked into the room. I squinted my eyes at him as he thanked Mike and told him to leave. Then he casually walked to the couch and sat down, crossing his one leg to another as he did so.

I pinched my temple, "What do you want." I breathed out.

"I have some big news that will make you super happy." He said cheerfully.

I studied him for a moment. I don't want to admit it but I'm actually kind of curious. I cleared my throat, "Okay, what is it."

"Okay so..." he paused, making me raise my eyebrows.

All of a sudden he jumped out from the couch and threw his hands in the air, making my eyes widened before he shouted out, "I'M GONNA BECOME A DAD!"

He grinned so widely and that made me scrunch my face weirdly at him. We were just staring at each other for a moment, and after he realized that I'm not reacting, he put his hands down. "What? You're not excited?"

I put my elbow onto the desk and my chin onto my knuckles, "And why should I be?"

"Well, uh, because, I'm gonna be a dad?"

"Uh huh." I said boringly. It's not that I'm not happy for him, it's just I'm teasing him because serves him right for disturbing me when I'm in the middle of something.

He blinked twice, "Uh, okay." He said awkwardly before turning around to walk out of the room.

As he put his hand onto the door's handle, I called out to him, "Dude." He turned around and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I smiled softly at him in return, "Congratulations."

He gave me a small smile and walked out, not forgetting to close the door behind him.

"I'm gonna have a niece." I whispered to myself with a smile. But wait. Or is it a nephew? Damn. I should've at least asked for its gender.

I shook my head and resumed my work, but not long after that my phone went off. I sighed yet again and took it out before looking at the caller ID.

I smiled when I saw who's calling me, and without any hesitation, I picked it up. "Hey you." I teased the caller before I got fully drowned into her sweet and melodic voice.

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