Chapter 16

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Hansen had a plan by the time he had to leave to pick up the girls from school. He was going to charm Thanya's socks off. School finished at 2:30pm and It was 2:15pm when Hansen left Jim's house to head to the gas station. He decided to surprise the girls with slurpees, so he bought three. One for Leilani, one for Malia and the last for Thanya.

Hopefully she'd feel touched that he thought of her, then let her guard down a little. If that didn't work, then he'd go to plan B. If that didn't work he'd go to plan C. He knew she was going to be a challenge, but it was a challenge he was looking forward to winning.

(Meanwhile back at the school...)

Both Malia and Leilani's classrooms were on the first floor. Leilani's classroom was near the front of the school, and Malia's classroom was by the back parking lot. There was a window that faced the school parking lot in Malia's classroom, so she would always know it was time to leave, whenever she saw her Uncle Jim park in the back.

"Miss. Lan?" asked Malia.

Thanya had given Malia some black sheets of paper for her to draw on while she waited for her ride to come and pick her up. While they did that, she would grade papers and plan her lessons for the class ahead of time. It was a win-win.

Thanya looked up from her desk and saw Malia in front of her. Malia was the only one left in the classroom. It was a bit surprising, considering the fact that her uncle Jim would always pick her up on time. He's probably running late, but Thanya never minded.

"Malia?" asked Thanya as she looked at Malia. 

Malia looked at Thanya, and replied, "Yes Miss. Lan?"

"Do you know who is picking you up today?" asked Thanya. 

Malia nodded "Our Uncle."

Something made thanya feel like she should ask 'which uncle,' so she did. She was hoping it was not hansen. 

"Which uncle?" Thanya tried to ask casually. 

"Our uncle Hansen," replied Malia. 

"Okay," said Thanya, with a smile.

Thanya tried to stop herself from groaning in frustration that she is going to see him again. Thanya then nodded and put her head down, trying to focus on the pages she needed to grade in front of her. 

"Miss. Lan?" asked Malia. 

"Yes?" Thanya asked with a smile.

"May I go and use the bathroom?" asked Malia.

Thanya nodded her hand and stood up from her chair. Walking around the desk, she grabbed Malia's hand and walked to the restroom. While Malia was in the restroom, Thanya stood outside. She turned her head, when she heard the sound of keys rattling.

The school's janitor, Harry Gomez, was coming out from the boys restroom, which was right across from the girls restroom. His back faced Thanya as he locked the door to the restroom. Harry had been working at the school for years, and the old man worked hard.

There was a gate that blocked the entrance from the back gate. Mr. Gomez usually closed the gate at 2:45pm. The gate was about six feet tall, so if anyone came after that time; parents would have to walk all the way around the school to the front entrance in order to come in. There was a back door for teachers, so the staff never had to walk around.

It was at this time, that an idea popped into Thanya's head. She grinned and walked toward Harry, tapping his shoulder from behind.

She cleared her throat. "Mr. Gomez! How's your wife doing?"

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