Chapter 2

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Hansen paid the driver and got out of the taxi

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Hansen paid the driver and got out of the taxi. Instead of going right into the house, he dropped his bag on the ground and just stood there, happy with the fact that he was back home and would finally be reunited with Hannah again. He could already picture her smiling face, and the way her dimples showed when she smiled. Ashe walked towards the house he saw the sheriff's car in the driveway. 

What is Phil's car doing here? Hansen thought to himself. 

As he opened the door and stepped in the house, he didn't see or hear anyone - it was quiet. "Hannah?" Hansen shouted louder. 

He walked up the stairs to the bedroom and quickly opened the bedroom door. The scene before him made him feel as if his whole world had shattered. It was as if something in him died. There he saw the love of his life in bed, naked and wrapped in the arms of his friend. 

Hannah was his forever. There was no one before her, and he never pictured anyone after her either. He always thought she saw their future the same way he did. 

"Hansen!?" Hannah and Phil said with surprise. Hannah grabbed the bedsheets to cover herself, while Phil quickly grabbed his boxers to slip them on. Hansen couldn't believe that the love of his life would do this to him, and that his friend would betray him like that. Hansen couldn't decide whether to kill Phil and have the risk of going to jail for life, or to just hurt him enough to leave him breathing through a tube for the rest of his life. 

If looks could kill, Phil would have been dead at that moment.

"You slept with my wife!!" screamed Hansen before he tackled Phil to the ground. Both Hansen and Phil were over six feet tall, but Phil was a couple of inches taller. Though Hansen was shorter, he was more built and broad from working out, plus he was skilled in hand-to-hand combat. 

Hannah rushed to Hansen and tried to pull him off Phil but it was no use, he had a firm grip on Phil's throat. Hansen was throwing punch after punch. Phil connected a punch with the right side of Hansen's face, but it didn't sway Hansen from his goal. 

Which was to rearrange Phil's face. 

"Hansen, stop! Get off of him!" screamed Hannah with tears in her eyes. 

Hansen dragged him by the throat and out of the house. He threw Phil onto the front lawn. 

"Please don't kill him!" shouted Hannah as she rushed outside from the house. 

Phil stood up and wiped the blood from the side of his mouth. 

 "You're back," stated Phil.

Hannah stepped in front of Phil and put her hands up in a halting motion to stop Hansen from coming any closer. 

"Stop! Why are you hurting him? Didn't you get the letter? Or see the divorce documents!?" shouted Hannah. 

Neighbors started coming out of their house to see what all the commotion was about. It was a small town, and almost, everyone knew that Phil and Hannah were having an affair, while Hansen was overseas. Hannah was disliked by many residents and, Phil had lost the respect of some of the locals. 

"What letter?" Hansen asked. 

His eyes went wide and looked at her with confusion. 

The letter must have came after I left the base, he thought to himself. 

"I sent you a letter telling you that I couldn't do this anymore," said Hannah. She looked to the side, unable to look Hansen in the eyes. She looked at Phil and then back at Hansen.

"I felt so lonely, when you were away. It was too much and I couldn't deal with it. Phil came along, and he made the loneliness go away," she said while she wiped away a tear from her eye. 

Hansen couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew that she must have felt lonely while he was away, but he couldn't believe that it would have led her to the point of cheating on him and ruining everything that they had. The betrayal and pain he felt was too much. It was even worse when Hannah walked towards Phil to examine how bad his face was. She cared about how Phil was doing more than how Hansen was. 

Hansen shook his head and looked off to the side. 

"How long has this been going on?" asked Hansen. 

"For about a month," said Hannah with her head down. 

"I see . . ." said Hansen. 

He slowly walked toward Phil, like a predator ready to kill his prey. Everyone in the neighborhood knew today was the day that Phil McKeey was going to die. 

A man on the side who was watching on the side mumbled, "We're going to need anew sheriff." 

His wife next to him swatted him on the arm, then replied disapprovingly "Hush Gerald." 

As Hansen stepped in front of Phil, he said in a calm voice, "The only reason I haven't killed you yet, is because you're not worth going to jail for." 

Phil watched as Hansen slowly walked away. Unfortunately for Phil, Hansen wasn't done yet. 

He swerved back lightning fast and smashed Phil's face onto the hood of Phil's car. 

"Ouch," said Hansen's neighbors. 

Phil dropped to the ground and held his nose. Blood was flowing out like a waterfall. 

"Our sheriff is pathetic," said a neighbor, shaking his head. 

Hannah rushed toward Phil to lift his head up and Hansen walked back into the house. He grabbed all the pictures of Him and Hannah together, then threw them toward the wall. 

The glass within the frame of a wedding picture shattered into a hundred pieces. 

Hearing a car being started, he looked out the window and saw Hannah in the police car with Phil, driving off. 

"They're probably going back to his," scoffed Hansen. 

His anger doubled as he saw them leave. He grabbed everything insight and threw it against the wall. The picture of Hannah and him at prom, their wedding, birthday parties and holiday parties. Anything and everything that he saw, he wanted all thrown away. Hansen wasn't someone who threw stuff when he was mad. He was always a calm man, but seeing the love of your life cheat on you with your friend can change a person. 

Hansen collapsed onto the sofa in their living room with his elbows on his knees, and held his head in his hands, reminiscing about all the things he'd had with Hannah - all the good memories and everything that they had gone through. 

Was our love real? He thought to himself.

Was our love real? He thought to himself

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