A Love Made For The Road (Rusty Nail x Reader)

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"Pre one shot authors note: I'm deeply sorry that I've been neglecting my one shot book, but with this new Joy Ride one shot I'm happy to announce the book will be coming back with one new one shot a week. Remember, requests are still open and I'm always happy to hear any feedback. So, thank you all for waiting patiently for a new post in this book while I continue to work on my new books. Also be on the look out for the next two one shots with characters from Hatchet and 30 Days of Night. I hope you enjoy.

-With bloody love, HorrorMC13"

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It was all supposed to be a stupid prank, just me and my friends messing around on a CB radio and trying to prank some truckers. But, we took it too far; or, maybe it was Rusty that took it too far. At this point, does it even matter who started it? I say that because what began as a dumb prank helped me find the love of my life. No, it doesn't matter what he did to me or my friends because I love him.

Oh yes, I absolutely love him and I would do anything for him. Rusty Nail, you are all I think about night or day. I'd die for you and I would kill for you. You've made this shy, small-town girl feel like a real woman.

But to understand my undying love, I should probably tell the story of how we met. It all started a few short days ago...


"Breaker breaker, is anyone out there?" My friend Josh asked into the radio. "Ugh, no answer. Why don't one of you girls try?"

Me being as shy as I am, they dared me to do it. They said, Just use a silly nickname; no one will ever know it's you!"

After a lot of convincing, I decided to give it a try. I put on my cutest voice possible and spoke up, "Breaker breaker, this is, umm, this is Sweetness. I've been on the road a while and I'm starting to get lonely. Any men out there looking to make a pit stop?" I said as they laughed and waited for a reply, which came no more than a few minutes later.

"Sweetness. Come in, come in Sweetness. Yeah, you there! 'Names Rusty Nail. The road is looking awfully lonely for me too, and I could use a pit stop and a little company."

Since Rusty actually replied, I had to be convinced again to continue the joke. My friends told me that I needed to take it as far as I could. Thinking that this guy was probably really far away, I jokingly replied, "Oh, Rusty! That sounds like a really fun time. Can you meet me at the Last Chance Motel for some fun? I'm in room 15, and I'll see you there."

Again, it was not long before Rusty replied, "I hear you loud and clear, Sweetness. I'll finish up my job for the day and see you there around 11PM."

I had to say something back, so I just replied, "Sounds good, Rusty. I'll think about you until then. Over and out."

After we pulled off the prank, we all laughed, not knowing what would happen next. We actually ended up having to stay at the Last Chance Motel, and what room number did we get? You guessed it: 15.

As time drew closer, we grew more and more worrisome. It was around 11:35 that there was a knock at the door.

The next events happened so fast that I don't remember everything. Josh answered the door, and he tired to explain that it was a joke but Rusty got mad. That prompted Josh to reply with the fact that Rusty is an older man and I'm young and beautiful.

I then spoke up, saying just how sorry I am but by that point, it was too late. Rusty pulled out a gun and shot both Josh and his girlfriend. Poor Sasha.

I was heartbroken and my head was spinning; I couldn't fight back. Rusty put his gun away and tired to calm me down. He sat around and he smoked one - maybe two - cigarettes before finally sitting down beside me and comforting me. Actually, it was more than comfort.

He was seducing me! No, it was worse. He was making me fall in love with him.

It wasn't long before he started kissing me, and before I knew it, my white dress (which in some ways showed as a sign of purity) came off and he was inside of me and making love to me. It was my very first time as I was way to shy to hook up with a man before, but this was different. This was real this was love.

Once he finished, he even helped me clean up and get dressed. Then, he picked up like a princess and said, "Sweetness, you're the best I've ever had. I knew that what they said was a lie. You would never prank me because you love me just as I love you. Will you join me on the road and be mine forever?"

I smiled as big as I could and nodded as I hugged him tightly. Then, just like in the movies, he picked me up and carried me out to his truck and put me inside. He gave me one last kiss before we drove away in the night.


That's the story, ladies and gentlemen, of how I lost my virginity and fell in love with the man of my dreams. It was a very stupid prank, but I wouldn't trade what I did for anything because now I have someone to love and someone that loves me. It's a true fairytale ending, just like we both deserve.

You can have your opinion on the events I've told you, but it doesn't matter because love is love and there's nothing you can do about it.

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