Chapter Thirty: Utilize Your Resources

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The SUV peeled away from the scene without detection, consider it was much like the ones that the FBI used. Will kept glancing at me, and I took the opportunity to slip my cellphone of my jeans and slid it under my leg. The girl was watching the robbery on the iPad and had a gun pointed at us.

"What the heck is that? You recorded it?" Chris asked.

"i'm talkin' to you, Izzy." Izzy. Finally we learn her name. "You planed this whole thing. You didn't tell us any of it. You set us up. You killed my brother."

"No, that would be him." She answered dryly.

"How do I know he isn't your partner?"

"Why would I work with this guy?"

"Why would you do any of this?" Chris shot back. "FBI said you got somebody else." When she looked at him, I took the opportunity to slide my phone into the pocket on the back of Izzy's seat. I was hoping that Aaron would remember that I had it and choose to track it to figure out where we are.

"You sound jealous." He pointed his gun at her.

"Who is it?"

"Put that away. This isn't about revenge, its about survival. If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm your only way out of this mess."

"Alright. Let me kill them so we can get on with it."

"We need them."

"For what?"

"We need him for leverage, and we need her to patch him up."

"I can't patch him up without medical supplies." I pointed out.

"What are you gonna do, walk into an ER?"


"JJ and Morgan said the unsubs were in an Alley Northwest of the perimeter." Reid stated.

"Yeah, this footage confirms it...ok, I can see three figures in the car. Please tell me one of them is Will and/or Elizabeth."

"See how she's turned?" I pointed out. "its like she's keeping an eye on someone in the back. And you can see someone in the seat behind the girl." I furrowed my eyebrows as I saw blurry movement from the figure in the back. "Garcia, zoom in on that." She did so, and I saw what was a blurry, female hand, pushing something underneath her leg.

"That's Lizzie!" Carlton said. "It looks like she's hiding something from them...but what?"

"She sent me a text at the beginning of the heist." I pointed out. "Maybe she managed to keep hold of her phone. Garcia, can you track that?" 

"Working on it." She began typing frantically. "Elizabeth, you genius, genius girl, she managed to turn her 'Find my Phone' App on before the Heist began. We got 'em."


They found an ambulance and decided to let the EMT patch Will up instead before killing him and continuing on their way. There is absolutely nothing left to keep me alive.

Charlotte, Sadie, I'm sorry. I love you, you know I love you. I'm sorry I couldn't come home.

Aaron...I am so sorry that this is happening to you again.

"You said he'd call by now." Chris groaned. Just as he said this, Izzy's phone rang.

"Hey. Yep. Got it."

"That was fast." He said.

"Change in location. Get back on Pennsylvania Av." He did a sharp turn into an alley way, parking the car.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me the plan." He turned towards her in the driver's seat. And without hesitation, she reached over and shot him in the stomach. I jumped, putting a hand over my mouth.

"What are you doing?!" Will asked.

"he talks too much. You two have that in common." She looked at me. "Go ahead, both of you. Get him out."

"And do what? Just leave him here?"

"Yes, please." We looked at each other before getting out of the car and pulling Chris out onto the pavement. She began wiping the blood off of the seat. "Sorry for the Mess." Will got in, and before he closed the door, she aimed the gun at me and fired. I screamed as white hot pain spread through my body from the gunshot wound that now resided in my shoulder.


"Leave her. Go ahead, drive." Will looked at me one more time. I nodded, holding my blood soaked shoulder and he got in, shutting the door and pulling away.

"You got a phone Chris?" I asked, trying to sit him, gritting my teeth through the pain.

"Why, so you can call your Fed buddies and have me arrested?" He asked.

"Well, its either that or we both die in an allyway. Those are your options." I pointed out. He sighed.

"Pocket." I reached into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out the burner phone and dialing Aaron's number.

"Agent Hotchner." He answered.

"Aaron?" I groaned.

"Lizzie! Where are you?!"

"In an ally near Pennsylvania AV. The woman shot Chris and I, left us here, but she took Will."

"I'll come get you-"

"No, send an ambulance to come get us. I left my phone in the car, if you track it you can find Will and hopefully save him before that woman kills him."

"Yeah, we've already been tracking it. It was a genius move." I nodded. "You said she shot you?"

"Mine's just the shoulder. Not fatal, unless I bleed out. But Chris is in bad shape, he needs medical care immediately."

"The ambulance is on its way. Just hang in there. You were so brave today, Elizabeth. You were incredible."

"Yeah, tell me how incredible I am when you catch that psychopath."


It wasn't long before I heard the sirens from the ambulance. By then I had taken to applying pressure to Chris' wounds, and I had to admit, I was getting tired of doing that. Two ambulances pulled into the Alleyway, and a couple of EMTs wheeled a stretcher over to us. I stood up, moving away from him just as someone in an FBI bulletproof vest came around the corner.

"Dad?" I asked.

"Lizzie, oh thank God." He ran forward, hugging me, causing me to yelp in pain. "Oh gosh, are you hurt?"

"She shot me in the shoulder. Clean shot by the looks of it." I said, feeling the exit wound on my back.

"We'll get that patched up," He stated. "That was a smart thing you did, hiding the cellphone. They're going to find Will as we speak." I nodded.

"Utilize your resources," I repeated, "Just like you taught me." He smiled.

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