Chapter Twenty-Eight: Negotiate

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It was considerably harder to stay calm and think rationally when they mentioned killing Elizabeth by name.

"How did they know that?" Rossi asked.

"She probably told them," I theorized, "Chances are, if they were going to hurt people, she used the 'Don't hurt anyone and use me as your bargaining chip' excuse."

"Yes, well apparently it didn't go as she'd hoped." I ran a hand through my hair. "We're gonna get her out of there Aaron." I sighed as Captain Strauss came over.

"We're gonna send in a medic." She told us.

"That's just gonna give them another hostage."

"If they stop shooting people, its worth it."

"If we give into one demand, we'll have to give in to them all." Rossi reasoned.

"The director disagrees."

"At least make it an agent with medical training. That way he can take advantage of an opportunity if it comes."

"Fine." She walked away, and was soon replaced by Carlton.

"The brass thinks they'll act rationally, but there is absolutely no evidence of that happening." He said, having overheard our conversation. "I swear, if they get my daughter, or the rest of these hostages killed because of stupid calls that don't have evidentiary support-"

"Carlton, we're gonna do everything we can." I told him. He nodded.

"We better. Because I don't want to throw off your focus Aaron, but how do you think its going to feel to have to go home to those two little girls and tell them that they're never going to see their Mom again." I shook my head.

"Trying not to think about that, sir." 

"Maybe you should." He said. "Don't let the thought distract you, but its always good to keep the stakes at the back of your mind for motivation."


"Move him out of here." One of the hostages dragged the injured man out of the way, and I shook my head.

"They're never going to cooperate with you if you're killing hostages." I said, desperately, my hands still pressed tightly against the robber's gunshot wound. "Please, just listen to me, do this my way, and I swear they'll work with you-"

"Shut up!" The guy yelled. "Stay with me Olly. "Where's my medic?"

"I don't see him."

"Kill someone else, then. Make them listen."

"If you kill anyone else, I am almost positive that they are going to leave your brother hear to die." I said harshly, fed up with the appealing to reason. He looked at me. "I told you, my boyfriend's a Fed, my Dad was a Fed, I know how these guys operate. You wanna save your brother, don't hurt anyone else." The phone rang again. He got up, answering it.

"Why hasn't anyone come in yet?!" He exclaimed. "Hurry." He hung up again. "They know our names." The woman took her mask off.

"Not all our names." She looked straight into the security camera, applying lipstick to her mouth. Chris took his mask off too.

"They're sending someone in."

"Chris." Olly groaned.

"Olly, Olly, no."

"There's only so much I can do here." I told Chris.

 "No, no, no, no, no, stay with me. What are you doing? They're sending in a medic, you're gonna be fine."

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