Chapter Ten: Victims To Their Own Minds

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I woke up to my phone ringing. Aaron was gone, but his chair still resided by my bed. I grabbed my cell phone, bringing it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked, pushing my hair back.

"Elizabeth? Hi, its JJ." I sat up.

"JJ, yeah, what can I do for you?"

"We were going through the year books and found something we were wondering if you could clear up for us. Its this thing in the yearbook, you were in it...what is the 'Top Ten'?" I froze.

"They're the kids that went to the media after the shooting." I told her. "The people that were...the faces of the tragedy, everyone always said. Principal Givens brought us together and we are the ones who went on the talk shows and gave assemblies at other schools, things like that." I paused. Chelsea and Jerry were in the top ten.

"Ok, thanks Elizabith."

"Wait is-" She hung up before she heard what I said. My phone buzzed again, and I saw that it was a text from Tifanny.

Top Ten is meeting at the Seven Stars Restaurant in ten minutes. I think everyone wants you there.

Oh no...what if the unsub wasn't going off of the list...what if he was going off of the Top Ten? I have to get there, I have to warn them.


I rushed inside, spotting their table and running over to it.

"Eliza, hey-"

"Look, guys...I don't want to alarm you, but I don't think this is a good idea." I said.

"What are you talking about?" Tiffany asked.

"I just, I think its dangerous being here. I think whoever is doing this is after the Top Ten."

"What-" Whatever questions were going to be asked were cut off by the doors to the restaurant being blown in. The blast knocked me forward onto my knees. Everybody screamed and the room was full of smoke.

"Everybody get down!" I screamed. I started shoving the top ten members onto the floor, trying to hide them from sight. I only stopped when I felt the barrel of a gun being pressed to the back of my head.

"Get up." I furrowed my eyebrows. I recognized the voice. Bob Adams. "All of you get up, sit down." They all stood up again, sitting back down in their seats. "SIT DOWN! DON'T SPEAK!"  He wrapped an arm tightly around my neck, aiming the gun and the table. "Hope I'm not interrupted."


"Shut up!" He said, tightening his grip on my neck, choking me. "The only reason you're not dead, is because you were with the FBI. If it weren't for that, you were the first on my list." He shoved me into an empty chair at the end of the table. "Was it that hard for you people to tell the truth about me? Huh!?" You could hear the sirens of the oncoming police cars. "TO NOTICE ME?!"

"Bob, lets talk about this." He shoved the barrel of the gun against my head again.

"No...I have spent the past ten years listening to you talk. You're done talking. Its my turn." I nodded, and then before I could chicken out, I shoved his arm away from me, grabbing onto the gun and rotating so that I threw all of my weight against his body. He fell and I managed to get the gun out of his hand, standing up and pointing it back at him with shaking hands. He glared up at me.

"Don't move." I heard footsteps over broken glass. I kept the gun aimed at him and turned around, which proved to be a mistake. He lunged forward, grabbing the gun again, as well as grabbing me, pressing the gun to my head and turning to face who I now saw was Aaron and Agent Prentiss.

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