Twenty Eight

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The plane ride back was hell. Poor Elijah didn't know what the fuck was going on and neither did anybody else. All he knew was to cry and I was tempted to join him.

Mel was out of it but could you blame her. She was hopped up on pain killers as she cradled her child and Frankie was hopeless.

After a very distracting and colorful toy was dangled in front of him for ten minutes the crying calmed down. I helped them to the bedroom and figured they could all use a nap.

I grabbed hot chocolate and kneeled over a tired Marcello. You wouldn't be able to tell if you looked at him. His eyes were still analyzing things as usual but the bags under his eyes definitely grew as the night went on.

"Go to sleep," I told him as I sat in his lap. He slipped his hands down my sweatpants and pulled me down to lay on top of him.

I struggled to keep my mug upright. I set it in the floor and gasped when I was flipped onto my back. He quickly laid his head on my chest. Marcello didn't say a word before falling asleep.

I sighed loudly and wrapped my legs around his waist and following in suit.
I waved goodbye to Corrine as we dropped her off. Everyone went their separate ways with large security details. Marcello was currently speeding home.

"Slow down babe. There's no rush."

Marcello scoffed, "the day a cop pulls me over is the day hell freezes over."

I rolled my eyes and watched him reach over to grip my thigh. I let my eyes shut as I basked in the sun. I tensed when his hand started rubbing higher than what was considered innocent.

My eyes rolled one more time as he squeezed my fatty thigh when we pulled up to home. I smiled and hopped out before we were fully stopped and ignored Marcello's nagging.

I gripped two bags and bounced to our doorstep. Marcello glanced over to my buzzing body and smirked before tossing me the keys.

I snagged them and quickly stepped into the threshold. I tossed our luggage towards the steps and as I turned I was dragged into a hard body.

He bent and swept me off my feet while wrapping my legs around his waist. My gasp was captured by his persistent lips.

I unconsciously opened my mouth for him and shivered as his tongue met mine. He once again slipped his hands down my sweatpants and the other up my hoodie.

I was fully distracted by his magic mouth and didn't notice when we made it to the living room.

I yelped into the kiss when I fell back into the couch. He knelt over me and smiled down at me.

I panted lightly and gripped for the remote under me. We both ignored the tv turning on in the background as he reconnected our lips.

He groaned while pulling my soft body against his hard one. I tightened my thighs around him when I felt his boner and fluidly rocked against it.

Cello growled quietly before nipping at my lips.

"Too long since I've tasted you," he muttered while grasping my wrists.

"You mean two days?"

He grunted, "No cumming until I say."

I narrowed my eyes before he pushed my hands above my head and instructing me to keep them that way.

My hoodie was pushed up as I sighed as his calloused fingers ran up my skin delicately. He kissed up my sternum before taking advantage of my lacking bra.

Cello smirked before sucking hard on the side of my boob and switching to give the same treatment to the other. I arched while he simultaneously pinched and tugged at my nipples.

His warm tongue trailed down my body as he started his way down to my sweatpants.

I cringed at the loud blaring from the tv and distractedly turned to see while I lifted my hips for the unfazed Marcello.

My eyes widened as he gripped my waist band when my picture was on the tv. It was an amber alert with information and a picture from my 17 birthday.

I released an alarmed scream, resulting in Marcello pushing up to meet my gaze.

"I haven't even-" I swatted away his hands and fell off the couch in a heap.

"What the fuck are you doing baby?" I stared at my picture before pointing to the television.

We both went silent as the news channel suddenly showed my weeping mother.

"I would like to speak to everyone today about my daughter, Belle Dubois." My eyes widened at her last name as she continued speaking. The headline was the following, 'Maria Dubois Pleads for Daughters Safe Return'.

"As you all know I travel internationally for several business ordeals and I'm heartbroken to share that I've found my Belle gone upon my return. She always calls at least once every couple days when I'm gone so I hurried home because my gut told me something had happened."

That's not true. I don't call and she doesn't call, she barely knew I existed. I felt like I was drowning in this sudden turn of events and Marcello was suddenly miles away. My life line was miles away.

"The last I heard from my daughter she was with the man Marcello Milano. As a worried mother I could only pray such a powerful man would treat my daughter right. But now I see I should've taken action sooner, I believe Mr. Milano has something to do with the disappearance of my little girl. So please, if you see anything contact me or the police. I'm desperate, I can't loose anymore of my family."

By the end of her speech I was heaving for air as I felt panic seize my body. I hyperventilated as my eyes darted everyone and I clutched my chest. I couldn't form a coherent thought as Marcello was suddenly in my line of sight.

"Bambina, Belle! C'mon baby it'll be alright." His voice soothed me slightly but my breathing kept at its unhealthy rate. I was suddenly moving as I was rushed to our room. I registered the sound of Marcello searching a drawer before my inhaler was pushed between my lips.

When I was finally somewhat conscious of my surroundings Marcello put the inhaler away and pet my hair as my head was in his lap. I shut my eyes tightly before digging the heels of my palm into them frustratedly.

I wiped away my tears with the help of the man I love.

"I don't understand this..." my voice was shaky as I placed my hand over Cello's.

"I'll contact some of my friends in the force. For now we keep you home and out of the spotlight until we get a motive. If the police actually had reason to suspect my guy inside would be calling me."

"Her reason is attention. And she probably doesn't like you because you've got more influence than her," I closed my eyes as a wave of exhaustion hit me.

"You're overwhelmed and jet lagged. Sleep my love. I'll be in bed with you soon." I nodded and rolled off into the comforter.

I didn't move as he gripped my pants and underwear while stripping me of them. He grabbed new underwear and slipped them on and I couldn't acknowledge my embarrassment as he kissed my forehead.

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