| 55 | fighting forever

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It's the middle of the night, Daisy isn't able to get some shut eye. Just because she didn't have a nightmare last night doesn't mean she won't have one tonight. Plus, last night Timothée was laying beside her, she was in his naked arms and he held her tight so the nightmares wouldn't come near her. But tonight she was alone again, in her empty cold bed. And she feared going to sleep. She didn't feel safe all alone.

The door creaks open, and usually she would jump or gasp in fear but she could make out the sound of his gentle footsteps and his steady breathing so she was sure it was him. She also made sure to leave the door unlocked so he could slip on easily. He doesn't say anything, he must think she is asleep. It's been five hours since he stormed out, and Daisy was worried about him but she was happy he came back to her.

She notices that he doesn't get in the bed with her, instead he lay's on her couch and makes himself comfortable. It saddened her, but she understood why. Either way she let herself fall into a deep sleep because if he was in the apartment with her that meant she was safe from her nightmares and from the man that caused her nightmares, and she didn't have to fear them for much longer.

But Daisy was wrong because after the two of them had fallen into a deep peaceful slumber her sleep was no longer peaceful. She had the same nightmare she always had, the man in her nightmares clutches onto her, hitting her and forcing her into a room. He abuses her  over and over again, and he strips her of her clothes harshly, not caring about the whimpers that escaped from her.

The nightmare is the same as it always has been, the only difference is that when Daisy looks up at her abuser with tear-filled eyes, his face is different, it is no longer round it's oval shaped and his hair is no longer slick back, instead it's curly and wild, and his eyes are not blue anymore, they are an emerald green, a green that she loved so very much. She can't help herself when she lets out a scream, and thankfully it was one strong enough and powerful enough to wake her up from her nightmare.

'Shhhh... shhhh.' He's shushing her, his hands are on her waist and he is touching her bare skin and she can't help herself when she jumps back in fear. Just his touch triggered her memories of the nightmare and of that particular night four years ago, and she didn't want to keep remembering. Timothée furrows his eyebrows at her. She is shaking, unable to control herself and when she brings herself to look into his eyes they are the same green ones that she had just looked into in her nightmare. 'Daisy?' He says confused.

The look she was giving him was one that he never saw before. He couldn't depict it so he tries to calm her down by placing a hand on her shoulder but she flinches and she jolts back trying to get as far away from him as she can. 'You're still having nightmares? I thought they were long gone.' Timothée says ignoring the fact that she obviously seemed to fear him for some reason.

'Yeah.' She manages to croak out. 'I lied about a lot of things. The nightmares are one of them.' As the words escape her Daisy realizes just how horrible of a person she has been. She lied to this boy countless times and all he wished to do was love her and cherish her and make sure she was okay. But she never gave him the chance because she's always telling him lie after lie.

'I'm sorry Daisy.' He says trying to inch closer towards her so his words are more sincere but Daisy leans back and her back touched the headboard of her bed harshly. 'I didn't mean what I said earlier.' He blurts out hoping those words will snap her out of her trance and she can come closer to him and engulf him in a hug. But instead Daisy shakes her head at him, and it seems that she is unable to look into his eyes.

'Yes you did.. and you're right I did change for the worse.' Daisy admits, staring down at her hands. Timothée's heart breaks as he listens to what she says.

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