| 35 | bullshit

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Daisy had a few days left in Los Angeles and she tried her best to make the most of the time she had left with her family. She would go on shopping trips with her mother in the mornings and go on short walks with her father in the afternoons so he could get some fresh air after being cooped up in the hospital for so long.

Whenever she noticed her father growing tired on their walks she would stop at a nearby bench and they would both take a seat so he could rest. 'You can continue walking and come back to me, I'll just wait her.' Says her father feeling bad that they had to stop every so often so he could rest.

Daisy shook her head and placed her hand over her father's hand with a smile on her face. 'Dad, where's the fun in that?' She says and he smiles at her. He had spent a lot of time with his sons but when Daisy left for two weeks he deeply missed her.

'Are you ready to go back to New York again?' He asks her, she had spent the past two weeks in Los Angeles and she was almost getting used to her life in Los Angeles.

'Not really.' Daisy says with sadness all over her expression. Her father takes note of her face and sighs, something was hurting her and he felt he needed to know what it was.

'What is it kid?' He asks squeezing her hand. As much as she wanted to get it off her chest she didn't want her father to know that she was fooled by yet another boy. But the confusion and pain on her father's face made her feel guilty for not letting him know.

'It's Timmy. We had a fight, and we don't talk anymore.' Daisy admits this and surprisingly the look on her father's face is not of shock or astonishment but of understanding.

'What happened?' He asks wanting to hear it from her.

'I like him dad.. I like him a lot.' she finally admits out loud. She expects her father to be surprised by this piece of information but once again he remains calm and collected.

'I know.'

'You do?'

'Yes, I can tell. And I also know that he likes you too.' Daisy sits still unsure of how her father knows all of this information.

'How do you know?' She asks confused.

Her father lets out a slight chuckle only making his daughter grow more confused. 'I saw the way he looked at you that night, when he took you to the winter formal. And I knew for sure that he had feelings for you when he flew to Los Angeles, I just connected the dots.'

It seemed that just like Skylar, Mr. Cohen had noticed that Timothée had feelings for Daisy. 'Yeah well.. it's all just bullshit now.' she says simply turning away from her father with what seemed like tears in her eyes.

James had seen what heartbreak had done to his daughter after a foolish boy messed with her feelings, but this was different and although Daisy was hurt, she was oblivious to the fact that this foolish boy actually cared about her. 'Bullshit? How is that bullshit Daisy? He cares for you.' he says trying to get through to her.

'Dad he kissed another girl, and when I confronted him about it he told me we were better off just being friends.' James was not surprised, he had seen the photos of Timothée all over the Internet and on the news whenever the tv was left on in his hospital ward. But he knew there was a deeper meaning to Timothée's actions.

'Daisy he's afraid.'

'That's what everyone keeps telling me, that he's afraid or that fear is making him do these things. But how am I supposed to be with him if he won't let me.' she says this frustratedly and buries her face in her hands to hide the tears that were now streaming down her face.

James pushes her hands away and wipes the tears from her wet cheeks. 'Talk to him.. Andrew told me that Timothée keeps coming over to the house to ask when you'll be back. I thought it was unusual but now I know it's because he wants to fix things.'

Daisy finally calms down and what looks like surprise can be seen on her face. It seemed that she thought he had given up on showing up at her house. 'He still comes over?' she asks her father.

Her father nods slowly. 'Yes. He does. And if it was all bullshit then he would have given up on you a long time ago.'


Comment if you think Mr. Cohen is one woke ass man.

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