| 20 | indoors

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There had been quite a bit of tension between Timothée and Daisy ever since their night in the garden. Timothée had left early but still managed to give Daisy a hug goodbye before he left, which she was very thankful for. However, things were still tense between the two of them.

Priv. Conversation
Timothée🙊  (Timothée)
Daisy🌼 (Daisy)

are we good?
you and me?

why wouldn't we be good?

idk I usually see you everyday
and you didn't pick me up from school today

you didn't ask me to

i never ask you
you always just come get me so we can hang out after

it's not like I left you hanging
your chauffeur was probably a call away

he wasn't actually
I walked home, it took me like an hour because I can barely make it home in a car rather than on my two feet
You know I always get lost on the way home
and when I called you didn't pick up
Timmy I'm sorry if what I said hurt you
but that wasn't my intention ever
Trust me I'm not telling you for your own good

well I'm sorry I made you walk
but I want to know daisy
can't you just trust that whatever it is it won't break us apart?

but it will
You don't get it timmy
It will
And I don't want to lose you


come on
just drop it

I'll pick you up from school tomorrow
and if you want we can hang tonight

I'd like that
Do you want to go swimming?

hell yeah

Indoor or outdoor


We have an indoor pool and an outdoor one
Which one do you prefer

oh I forgot you lived in a mansion
Ummm indoor?
It's getting kinda late

good choice
I'll tell them to get the pool ready
get here ASAP ok?



It took Daisy a while to change because every swimsuit she tried on had a flaw that only she could see. Whether it made her look fat, or the color didn't suit her, or it wasn't the right swim suit for her body type. Either way she tried on swimsuit after swimsuit frustratedly until she finally landed on a dark orange one that was comfortable and that she thought looked quite flattering on her.

She then covers herself with an oversized t-shirt once Andrew calls her down to the swimming pool. Andrew has already let Timothée inside so Daisy makes her way to the pool and finds him seated at the edge of the pool with his feet dipped in the water.

Timothée looks up at Daisy once she enters and wears a goofy smile. 'It's really warm.' He says receiving a laugh from Daisy who is now seated next to him and watching him draw circles in the water with his feet. Daisy thought he looked beautiful under the neon lights in the room. Especially without his shirt on. The pool room lights would change color and with every color came a different Timothée.

His curls hung down as he stared at his feet in the water. Daisy placed her feet in the water the same way he did and begins to make tiny splashes in the water with her toes. 'I missed you, even though it's only been a few days.' Daisy isn't aware of the words that came out of her mouth but she doesn't regret them either. She just smiled watching their legs move in the pool in complete unison.

She rests her head on his bare shoulder and he lets her lay there for a minute before resting his head above hers. 'I missed you too.' He coos soothingly, and Daisy feels herself getting lost in his words and the sound of his soft voice. She still had no clue whether his hold over her made her weaker or made her stronger. But nonetheless she was falling for him badly, and was worried this was all a mistake.

Was bringing him over here a mistake? Should we have stayed distant? Would it have weakened my feelings for him? Daisy ponders as they sit there quietly. Not saying a word. She wanted so badly to know what he was thinking, but was too immersed in her own thought process to ask.  After a bit of silence Timothée plops into the pool, bringing his head under the water.

His curls disappear under the surface and he reappears with his hair sleeked back looking as smooth as it ever has been. Daisy wanted to touch it, to mess it up, to run her hands through it but she decides it would be best to keep her hands at her sides and avoid doing anything stupid. 

Timothée catches her staring and smiles playfully. 'Are you not getting in?' He asks and Daisy is now snapped back to reality. She stands up taking the hem of her shirt and pulling it up in one swift motion. Once the fabric is gone Daisy finds Timothée staring at her, making her immediately self conscious. She assumed the bikini was a good choice but now she was sat there questioning herself. 'What?' She asks referring to the look he was giving her.

Timothée immediately looks away, almost in a shy demeanor. 'Am I allowed to call you beautiful again? Or will that ruin our friendship?' He is now seen cocking his head to the side slightly with a smirk evident on his face. Daisy raises her eyebrows surprised by his choice of words. She doesn't know how to form an answer so she just chuckles before plopping into the pool  and burying her entire head under the water the same way Timothée had done. She then swims back up and removes the hair stuck to her face letting out a loud laugh. Once she is able to see Timothée again she finds that he is still glued to the same spot, his eyes still on her.

He begins to swim towards her and Daisy watches in anticipation as he gets closer and closer, almost too close. Once he finds that the distance between them is only inches away he comes to a halt. They both stand there for a few seconds floating in the water, watching each other, lost in their own thoughts. Daisy doesn't know why but she expects him to kiss her, to close the minuscule space that was between them.

He's so close and he's closing his eyes and so is she and and she's waiting for the contact, for his lips to reach hers. For fireworks to erupt anytime soon, but all she hears is the sound of his voice, he is whispering but his words are clear and her eyes are still glued shut. 'Daisy Cohen, there is so much going on in my mind right now that I want you to know about.' Daisy finds herself biting her lip to keep from smiling.

She opens her eyes, so much hope in them and she meets his green glimmering ones. 'Tell me.' She pleads desperately the smile finally shown on her features. But he shakes his head shamefully. 'I can't.' And with that Daisy watches as he swims away in the opposite direction, leaving her dumbfounded.


Sorry for teasing you guys
I just can't help it

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