Broken Beauties

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Hey guys. So, TLBL will be having a sequel. 🍻🎉
Victor and Cass' story will be continuing and maybe they'll eventually get back together, who knows? 😉

I'll also be introducing a new character or rather, a POV. Can you guess who it'll be?

I've decided to gift you guys with the prologue. And while we're at it, do check out my latest story, Silhouette; its about cops and guns and weird crime scenes and hopefully, a few car chases. Don't forget to add it to your reading list.


Nobody told him what happened, but he saw it in the doctor's face when he came out to meet his father. He saw it in his father's face when buried his face in his hands and whispered, "God."

The doctor gave his father a small pat on the shoulder. "Its going to be alright," he said.

"Can we go in and see her?" asked his father.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, but just for a short while. She's lost a lot of blood."

Thank you," said his father. The doctor gave the both of them a small smile and walked away, his white coat swishing. "Let's go see mummy," said his father holding out his hand.

He took his hand and together they walked into the room. Her eyes were closed and her hands were laid on her stomach. She still looked beautiful despite the sweat on her forehead and the bags under her eyes. Her lashes fluttered slowly and her eyes opened. He had her lashes; she had told him many times though he hated it. The boys at school usually made fun at him for having long lashes. They were too long for a boy, they said.

He couldn't help it. He broke his hand from his father's grasp and ran to her. "My sweet boy is here," she said whispering into his ear.

"How are you feeling?" asked his father. He stood by the bedside holding her hand.

"I'll be fine," she said, her voice raspy. She cleared her throat, brought his hand to her lips and kissed it. "I'll be fine. Don't worry." His father nodded and folded his arms, his face was a crisscross of worry.

"How was school today?" she asked.

"It was fine," he said. He liked the way his voice vibrated against her arm. He burrowed in deeper then he heard her take a sharp breath.

"Get off the bed," said his father.

"Its okay," said his mother but her eyes were squeezed shut. She was in pain.

He got off the bed and watched as she took a breath. She opened her eyes and smiled. "I'll be fine." He nodded, mirroring her smile, even though he didn't mean it. Smiling when she looked so tired and uncomfortable didn't seem right, but he smiled with her. He was going to be brave.

The nurse came in. Her dress was blue and her eyes were kind. "Mummy needs sleep," she said patting his head. She stuck a needle into his mother's IV.

"Come here," said his mother. "Mummy wants to tell you something."

He moved closer to her. The nurse was writing something on a clipboard.

"I'll be home very soon. You be a good boy and do all your homework." She raised a hand to his cheek. Her fingers were cold and she could only keep it up for a few seconds before it fell on the bed. Her eyes glazed over and her speech slurred. "I will always love you. Promise me you will..." Her voice trailed off and she began to breathe softly.

"The medicine I've given your mummy will make her sleep," said the nurse. "She needs a lot of rest."

His father nodded and put his hand on his back. "Let's go," he said. "We'll come back tomorrow."

He followed his father out. He looked back when they reached the door. Something didn't feel right. It felt like when he had sand in his shoes after playing in the school playground.

The next day passed like a blur. He had a test but he had no idea what he had written. He was anxious to get back home. He got home from school and prepared a bowl of cereal as he waited for his father. After a while, his father came back but didn't get out of the car. He could see him from where he sat by the kitchen window, his head was on the steering wheel.

He got out and knocked on the door. His father raised his head up; his eyes were red and he was crying. He switched off the engine and opened the door.

"What's wrong, daddy?" he asked. "Where is mummy?" His heart was pounding in his chest.

His father's lips were drawn downwards. "She's gone, Victor," he choked out. He drew him into a hug; half in the car and half out.

Victor's head was fuzzy. A rush of blood to his face made him dizzy and he would have fallen to the ground if he wasn't clasped tight against his father's chest. It couldn't be true. She had talked to him yesterday. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to feel.

His father's sobbing filled the garage. He just stood there - still as a statue - as his father's tears ran down the back of his school shirt. "I'm sorry Victor. Everything is going to be okay. I promise."

His eyes wouldn't work and neither would his voice. Nothing will ever be the same.

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