Chapter 29

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Song: Talking Body by Tove Lo

As she got out of the car, Victor manifested right at the door. He was beautifully shirtless with an aviator glass that was the color of the sky. He was barefoot and his hair was a mess. He held a cup of coffee in one hand.

Her heart lurched. She had never seen him without his black jacket and his boots. His body was pefectly chiseled and his skin was a warm glowing brown. His track-mark scars stood out visibly aginst his skin. Cass remebered how she had touched them the previous night. She could still remember their soft glossy feel; evidence of a dark past he seemed to have buried. There was another tattoo on his chest apart from the one on his forearm. It was an anchor.

"Come on," he said, taking her hand. He finished the steaming coffee in one gulp and threw the cup in a trashcan. "Welcome to my lair."

"You look very well dressed," said Cass as they got into an elevator. It was small and simple and looked more like a metal and wooden cage. The building wasnt so tall that it needed an elevator.

Victor's eyes darted to himself. "Not to worry. I'm wearing trousers."

The apartment was huge, almost like a magic trick. It was like a small garage had been turned into a vast, airy living space. The place had clearly been furnishd for Victor. A large image of a skyline of a city she didnt recognize stood wide and imposing at one end while at the other end was a large bed. The windows were tall glass arches and next to one was a brown oak shelf filled with books. Hundreds of them.

There were so many cameras, several at knee height. A young lady with yellow hair, black lipstick and black joggers stood by one of the windows. She turned as they entered. The first thing Cass noticed about her was her nose piercing. Cass had never been a fan of piercing any part of the body apart from her ears. But it made the lady look pretty, she had to admit. She had big dreamy eyes. Cass could feel her stare.

"This is Leila, my drummer," said Victor.

"Hey," said Cass.

"And she was just about to leave," said Victor with a bright bright smile.

"Was I?" said Leila, cocking her head to one side. She had a deep, nasal voice.

"Yeah, remember?"

Leila snorted. "Okay," she said, detaching herslf from the window. "I wouldnt want to impose," she said as she walked towards the door. She opened it and turned back. "So, what do I tell Jones?"

"Dont worry about him," said Victor.

Leila shrugged and closed the door behind her.

"Who is Jones?" asked Cass.

"My producer. I have a studio session now."

Cass frowned. She'd often heard that studio sessions were pretty expensive. "Why aren't you going then?"

Victor turned to her and took her hand in his. "Because I'll rather spend time with you."

The moment Victor said it, Cass realised how awfully close she was standing to him. He took a step back and spread his arms out wide. "What do you think about my place?"

Cass smiled and closed her eyes. She realised there wasnt that scent of strawberries that was always around Victor. Then she remembered the lady who had come to the coffee shop and she wondered how close you had to be with someone for the fragrance of their perfume to rub off on you.

"Its you," she said, finally, when she realised Victor was waiting for an answer.

"Perfect." He smiled and seized her arm and dragged her to a door which turned out to be a bathroom. He slammed the door shut behind them. Their reflections appeared in the mirror. Like the rest of the apartment, the bathroom was light and airy.

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